our sig shop is going under a makeover soon and hopefully this will be the new banner impressions? version 2:
i like it, although the hue doesnt really match it...its like purple and green, and they dont necessarily go well together...
lol + rep for you bcuz of that....makusupa about the crazy colors....i agree then...but change it to warmer colors...i think that would be better...
That looks really cool! The only thing I would change is the "Sig Shop" text/color/size, not for artistic reasons, rather, because it's kind of hard too see. Other then that great job.
well its pretty good but the font is kinda hard to read on the first one but i like the two monitors and also the colors are very good and it is very good definition and not blury at all 4.5/5
ill take you up on that find a suitable font and post a little pic here with "Tiirent" "Fiend" and "Sig Shop"
They're both really ugly, particularly because of the clashing colors and the extremely over-sharpened monitors. Good effort, though.
The monitors need to be unsharpened a lot. I don't really love the green/purple either. It's cool but it needs some better text and maybe mess with the colors.