Futurama planet express FUTURAMA PLANET EXPRESS DEPOT Hello all welcome to a preview on what I have been working on recently. This started out messing around for fun, but I like the way it has turned out. I am unsure to go all out aesthetics or to have this map playable. .. After many posts I decided to remove the giant Bender. I have been getting this to look right and getting ways around. I have added a few rooms from memory and added the exterior aesthetics. This is where I am upto so far. This has been tested with my brother in split screen. It was good fun and we had a good few games. No fr problems playing local split screen. I have no idea how much connection will effect. Further tests will show. Spoiler Pictures added for my information Comments and feedback always appreciated. Thanks for looking
OMG timmy this is epic. I actually just finished watching the most recent episode. I'm not sure if you should make it playable or not, not sure how you would do that.
Bender the Lovable Fat Robot (LOL) anywho i agree with Cookie get rid of Fat bender then Its a map and also show us the inside once done
Don't make it playable... Instead, just focus on every detail, an accutate interior, and keep it to scale.
I agree. Just make focus on aesthetics for this one. If you wanted to make it playable it wouldn't be competitive anyways..
I would be happy either way, playable or not. But regardless the giant Bender does look awkward to me.
Poor old bender, seems to be the general feeling on both sighs I posted this preview. I made the base first and added the bender statue , I haven't put much time in yet. I will try to get more screenshots to get the interior of the structures. I am aware the shape of the lighthouse shaped building is tapering top to bottom and connected to the main structure. Thanks for feedback I will see if I can forge the planet express ship instead, should fit in better and keep things more to scale, maybe forge a miniture bender if possible too. Thanks for all the feedback
My thoughts when forging were purely aesthetic, the problem with map is there are many areas with only 1 way in, I could add teleporters to connect map bit I don't think invasion would work without having to structure the map better. An interesting idea , thanks
Make an aesthetic only version, then save this copy of the map, the original version, and then make another version that's fully playable. If you have time that is.
This is the best advice you can take. The building itself looks freaking amazing. Bender, not so much. Taking him away and using that remaining budget to make the map playable will make the map (Hopefully) amazing. Good luck
Thanks, I agree with the above posts, making 2 versions is definitly a good idea, Budget wise the map has plenty of resources and budget, around 6000 left if I scrap Bender, 3500 as it is. I haven't studied screenshots to make interior yet, my first thought was to add the ship. To make map playable I would have to add extra doorways to make map flow better. I will do some research and watch and record loads of futurama to get some intel . Thanks
This looks pretty awesome, Timmy. I agree with some of the others though- Don't make it playable, rather just an aesthetic map. It will probably suck for gameplay. I don't watch Futurama, but Bender looks pretty awesome. Nice architecture on those buildings, btw. You should invite me so I can take a better look Keep it up.
Thanks man! Yeah will be good to catch up. I have a few different maps on the go. Too many to be honest, I had a break last night and just forged this for fun I have been gathering information to make the map more accurate. I agree all out aesthetics will be the way to go, but that doesn't have to mean it can't work on a game or 2. maybe chess and slayer. But gametypes are far from being put on. I have some pics to do more work and I hope to get a little more done on this later if I have the time . Thanks
Ok the general feeling is same, as Bender would say, "down with Bender" .... I've had a few good ideas to help with structure, from Tom is high! Thanks!! I will concentrate on main structure.
Have it so the giant bender is stepping on a pyramid, or sadly, I'm gunna have to agree with the rest :/. Kinda awks.
Thanks that is a good idea with pyramid, would tie in with giant bender as in the episode where bender became Ra. ___________________________________________________________________________ I have started new version without Bender. It had to be moved more into the sea, so I can structure building correct, and I am currently trying to build the tapered lighthouse shape building. 5*1 are too small, and dec brace are too large , making map all structured and accesable is going to be challenging, but I will continue to work on this. Updated and have the main structures and layout complete, I am now looking at gametypes to add to get this into testing stage. Thanks