Well your map certainly has a nice aesthetic quality to it. The only thing that worries me is the shield doors. To prevent camping and such, I suggest you to remove them. Good map though. -jelly
this is pretty ballin it reminds me of a scientists lab or Resident Evil the movie the first or second but jsut how like scientists have to put there hands in gloves though glass and what not its ballin 4/5
Hey this map looks like it has potential! Not many people like small areas to fight in but i'm not bothered. However, this would be a bit cramped with 2v2, perhaps a 3 player FFA would be good on this which is what me and my brothers play anyways. But yeah i like it, one problem i have though is the shields wall at either base. the mauler or similar close range weapons would be too powerful as someone could camp behind the shield door. My rating: 3.9/5 needs a little bit more aesthetic quality Thanks!
It doesnt matter if this is your first post on Forge Hub the map can still suck. This map shows you can interlock. Also this map is to small for teams, this is a more 1 vs. 1 map. The weapon set doesnt fit the map.
I like the idea, i do not like the rooms with shield doors however it looks like a good map for slayer, good job.
Idea= lift the cage and place a grav-lift inside. Set run time min and max to the same. This makes fun crazy infinite bomb. But, if you were to do that, I suggest widening the spaces. It seems like whenever that gets set off, everyone remotely close will get their suicides raised. And the walls force you to be close to it. Also, everyone commenting on the lag. Who's seriously putting more than 4 players on a map this small anyway?