Well, this is my first post on forgehub so please do not say that my map is not good or that it is "mega lame." This is my map fusion reactor made for 2 v 2 or 3 v 3 in Team slayer,CTF, Aussalt, KOTH and Oddball. It is made for the team versions of those default gametypes. It took me about 4 hours too make this whole map. Many years before the the Covenant discovered Earth there were other beings among them, Even before the Flood parasite was Known. Another war had been going on, on another planet, The covenant found out there was a bunch of creatures among them,stronger,smarter and faster than anything they had ever seen, and now that day still lives on. Weapons: Fuel rod gun x1, 1 clip, 150 sec respawn AR x4,2 clips 30 sec respawn BR x4, 2 clips,30 sec respawn Human sniper rifle x2, 0 clips 120 sec respawn SMG x2,2 clips 30 sec respawn Spiker x2, 2 clips,30 sec respawn Plasma Rifle x2, 30 sec respawn Needler x1, 1 clip, 30 sec respawn Brute Shot x2 1 clip, 45 sec respawn Covenant Carbine x2,30 sec respawn Sentinel Beam x1, 45 sec respawn Mauler x2, 0 clips 45 sec respawn Equipment: Plasma nades x2, 10 sec respawn Frag nades x2, 10 sec respawn Spike nades x2, 10 sec respawn Bubble Shield x1, 60 sec respawn Flare x1, 10 sec respawn Now time for the pics, Heres the link:Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
cool map i like the fusion reactor, and the small feel...i suggest putting a shield door just on the top! remove the covenant one, and replace with lets say the rocket launcher there, and then, put the shield door on top of the fusion thing, and then you could be like the cool guy standing with a friggin rocket launcher on top of the fusion reactor and be like MUAHAHAHAHA!!! so take use of that!
You might want to get a mod to close your other thread. The map is ok, the floor looks smooth. But I dont like the rooms that have shield doors blocking it off. This will lead to close combat ownege.
Can I get a mod to close it? If i can can u tell me ones username so I can close my other one, uuuuuuuuugggggghhhhhhhhhhh!!! I fell like a retard have 2 of the same threads!!
go quick links, then who's online and then it should show a bunch of peoples name. Send a message to one that has a yellow/orange name. I think asper is on
Thanks Jayclash like imonly new and i dont want to get banned just for doing something that i done by mistake.
A very inspiring new map. I like all the functions you used to make this map special. The fusion reactor is a little bit like saying "Everyone lets go to the cave in Snowbound so we can get raped by the shotgun!", so maybe if you make it look REALLY aesthetic, and make a fence wall pillar going up from the reactor, it would look fore-runner and bad ass. I duno, maybe I will make a map myself. Good work though.
i actually really like the idea...but if you wanted it aesthetic, wrap the fusion reactor with shield doors, and you have a super good aesthetic map (make sure it sets off at the start of the game!)
sorry, but i think that the fusion reactor idea is very overdone. and the shield doors will lead to camping. sorry, 2/5
its small. the spawns are really bad, no offense. and also it isn't always necessary to add every single peice of equip and weaponary to the map. sometimes its nice to keep things a little simpler, because the map is so small, things are waaaaaay to cramped. I like the idea tho, this map seems like a learning experience for you. This is a casual map dude.
looks good except that the fusion coil explosion will lag your games big time. it gives a nice touch though
The map structure looks good and the interlocking is clean. However, there are way too many power weapons for such a tiny space. I give it a 4/5 on the map. 1/5 for the weapons on map.
for sure. there are way too many weapons on the map, and coming from me as i am very picky with my weapon placements being just right, but the interlocking is very well, but the map is a little too small.
Looks alright, the small feel is great but once again with the shield doors. close combat brawls would take place, but not enough long range combat. I'm sorry to say, but you missed my download because I didn't get the feel of the map right away. It looks great, but I'm not getting the feel of it. 4/5 stars. Great job!