Fusion Core Overview Overview 2 Recomended gametypes: Team slayer, all CTF gametypes, Team oddball, all VIP gametypes Players: 8 to 12 players Supported: All gametypes Weapons Grenades and Equipment list: red= weapons green= grenades blue = equipment 5X Battle Rifles 2X Shotguns 2X Sniper Rifles 2X Spikers 1X plasma rifle 2X Brute Shot 1X Rocket Launcher 1X Gravity hammer 1X Flamethrower 6X Plasma grenade 10X Spike Grenade 2X Bubble shield 1X power drain 2X gravity lift 1X regenerator 2X Deployable cover 1X overshield 1X active camo Description this map is an asemetrical map that has some good interlocking and geomerging with proven counters for every weapon hammer - rocket needler - flamethrower this map requires that you work with your team to get into each others base reds a little harder but has 2 entrances while blue only has one blue has the active camo to help them reds have a collapsable floor near overshield (great for sneak attacks) Fusion core the base of the map is in red base blue base is on the ground and reds up high so have fun if you find any flaws ways one team could gain an advantage please send me a private message so i may fix it Story like thing: This rundown fusion coil manufacturing plant is now a testing facility for marines and spartens alike some other training sessions have damaged other areas of the testing facility so watch it out there Other Pictures Red Base Blue Base Rockets Gav Hammer Flamethrower Download now
I'd say its above average because its a good map but blue base looks like it was thrown together at the last minute.
Your map a forging skills seem up to par with your interlocking and what not. However you have WAY too many weapons on the map. The map is built on foundry not sandtrap. Once you tone down the weapon amount you will have good map
Changed blue base added less flanks to blue now there are only 4 added more cover and removed 2 br's 4 plasma nades the energy sword and needler
looks pretty legit, no "WOW" factor, but the maps neatly and nicely constructed, along with the interlocking
Thanks for the comment (first map on FH so i thought id start with gameplay but next time ill add a "WOW" factor to my map too)
not a lot of merging done on this map. you might wanna get good at that because you get flamed for none.
It is a good first map to post nothing to complain about and it look nice I think I will check it out.
th map looks good... 8/10. it seems like the weapon set might cripple the gameplay if theres too few players.
this is a very random map but it also has a bit that is very sloppy the top double wall on the first pic
that wall is supposed to be that way its there to give it part of the story and to keep people off that little ledge up there also I added Recommended players to my first post