Why do so many people have different names for forging techniques? I've heard fusing, merging, geoforming and others. It's INTERLOCKING and GEO-MERGING people. Not any of the other words. Just kind of one of my pet peeves.
thats basically saying why do british and americans have different words for things. Its all about where you come from. Thats usually how you say it, especailly if a friend taught you.
I have to agree with you. It is much easier to have one word. I remember how hard it was for me to find guides to geo-merge so that I could learn how. I used the term geo-glitch.
I do think this is annoying, but anyone who knows anything real about forge calls everything by the right name. And what is the point of this thread? *Looks around for mods*
I think u need different names like fusing and map meshing for example easier to say then those i guess complicated words. Also it help's poeple under stand and makes more sense. Also there's no point in you posting this thread its retarded. LOL >=)