My friend and I wree playing Death Toll, and on the final level as you are going to the boathouse, theres that large open area with a few cars and a small building. We heard a witch nearby, and by looking through the window we knew it was in the building. I had an auto-shotty, and walked up to the door. I opened it and opened fire. I don't know how or why, but the next thing I know, the witch sprints out of the building, her hands covering her face, and she just like turns and runs toward the boathouse, and while running up that hill, randomly jumps into that barrel with fire in it. The noise she made while running was like a scared, sad version of the wail when she attacks you. No clue why...
Lol same thing happened to me and my friends except it was at a different location. It was in the middle of the road and one of my friends shot it by accident and it killed him. Then it ran away crying and jumped into a fire barrel and burned to death. I guess it's scripted maybe?
When the witch kills her victim she will run away and sometimes just find some way to die or she will sit down a cry in another spot. This is to prevent new players from dying the first few times they find the witch, while still offering a challenge to seasoned players by incapping one survivor almost instantly. Stouf, I'm not sure what happened other than the witch thought she killed her victim and ran away. Scripting bug in my opinion.