Funny/Epic/Awesome Clip Montage!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Gratlofatic, Apr 13, 2010.

  1. Gratlofatic

    Gratlofatic Ancient

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    Hello people of Bungie.

    I bet this post will probably get flamed, but I really don't care, spam this all you want.

    Try and keep this on topic.


    Well, I want to make a montage, kinda la ChrisOfTheDead's "Shenanigans," but not copying it.

    I want to make a random montage of fails, wins, epic fails, epic wins, 2 for 1's, jumping, snipes, suicides, betrayals, skyjacking, 'splosions, glitches, ANYTHING.

    If you want to be part, send your clip of you doing pretty much anything you think will make people laugh.

    Send your clips to my Gamertag. GT: Gratlofatic

    (Put your clip in your fileshare, click on it, recommend to friend, Enter Gamertag, Gratlofatic, SEND.

    Just send em to me. And if they're epic enough, they might make it on my video (If I have enough clips, that is)



    If you want to see the finished video, go to my YouTube channel, YouTube - KingBlackDragn's Channel, either subscribe or check back for it.

    I will also update this post, so stay tuned!

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