Funniest/Most horrible mod Ive ever seen

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by RoboArtist, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Lolmodding. I wonder if he feels proud of himself. Also, the word "knowtised," lawl.

    Side note: Join in progress wouldn't be as bad if:

    1: you don't join a team that is losing by a huge margin 9/10 times
    2: the game didn't have a ****ing quit ban implemented even though your spot can be filled in by some random guy 2 minutes later.
  2. UneeQ

    UneeQ Promethean
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    don't be hating on my spelling n ****, who cares how its spelled, if you know what it mean that's good enough.

    They Should of not added a lot of things to Halo 4, i have my list of complaints about the game but it is equally satisfying.
  3. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Merged with existing thread.

    re: Join in progress - it really has nothing to do with this mod. Like Pegasi said, you could just as easily be placed in a game with him from the start. If you want a real reason to hate join-in-progress, how about things like this: yesterday I got placed into a game of CTF on Adrift. At the time I joined, the score was 4-0 in the other team's favor... AND they were running the flag again already. I was in the game literally about five seconds, and finished with zero points. For some reason I was under the impression that the matchmaking logic tried not to join you into games that were unwinnable, but I see I was clearly wrong about that.

    Anyway, back to the topic at hand...
  4. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I hate mods like this. Why cheat and hack and break the game for everyone else just so you can go around and get easy kills? It defeats the object entirely by being skilled enough to have the challenges the players are setting out to fulfill, or have a high KD Ratio... therefore, they achieve absolutely nothing except ruining the game for others by doing it.

    Selfish cunts.
  5. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I don't think everyone agrees with that.
  6. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Why are Spartans so skinny? I thought were meant to be tough and muscular?
  7. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    cause then people would complain about them looking like GOW characters
  8. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
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    I suppose players are more likely to rage-quit if their team is being raped.
    in another hand, it can be fun if you are good. I sometimes joined the losing team on timesplitters and made them win (incidentaly I also made the enemy team rage-quit most of the time lol)
  9. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    Well, Join-In-Progress does suck... but without it, there would be BTB matches like in Reach where the majority of a team quits because they were losing and for 10 minutes 8 players are running around doing nothing trying to find the only 1 or 2 people left on the opposing team. It sucks for both sides and it is a waste of time. If you happen to be the one left who didn't quit on your team, you have to hide the whole time and just repeatedly get killed, get lucky, or quit.

    With that being said, Join In Progress should be altered in some way... for example, it should auto-disable itself in a match after a certain amount of time has gone by or something. Just something to prevent people from joining a hopeless game with 1 minute left on a map you probably didn't want to even play. Speaking of that...already sick of Wreckage and Shattered and they are the two maps that come up 90% of the time in every voting lobby.
    #29 Starship Ghost, Dec 30, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2012
  10. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
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    well, those hopeless and totally unbalanced matches you described were the most fun on timesplitters (when being on the most disadvantaged team). so maybe the problem in Halo 4 is that it is actually much harder to get out of a hopeless situation?
  11. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    I think it depends on the gametype. I don't think it matters how good you are in Big Team Battle if you join too late on a team getting slaughtered, you won't be able to save them. smaller team matches you can.
  12. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It seems they're more shaped like the Spartans from back in the days (Halo games before Reach), but maybe just a bit taller. They look so skinny because you're probably still used to Halo Reach Spartans :p
  13. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
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    Alien Guy, "STEROIDS"
  14. Turtlespoon

    Turtlespoon Promethean

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    If you join a game in progress you'll join the team with open player slots, AKA the smaller team. The only reasons the team would be smaller is:
    1) The team is losing and as a result players rage-quit.
    2) Players quit before a game or for other legitimate reasons.
    Now (1) happens alot to me, getting thrown into CTF games with a few minutes left losing 3-0. But I'm happy to wait a few minutes and try and get it to 3-1 maybe 3-2. I'll just try my luck again next game.

    While I miss 1v4 Swat games from H3, For some gametypes and inexperienced players it really is unfair to have them stuck alone against an entire team. I'm glad they put JIP in, You could always arrange 1v4 games on customs anyway.

    As for this mod, It's funny as hell but can it be used in matchmaking? and If so have 343 found a way to ban these guys yet? First time seeing it here.
  15. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    JIP is one of the things I was most worried about after it was announced, but it's actually turned out quite well in my experience. People quit in lobby a lot, and when the enemy team is reduced to one or two players, it's nice for the game to still have a chance at playing out properly. It's also nice to not be almost definitely screwed over when your team mates quit.

    Yes it can, there are quite a few videos on Youtube of people running in to others using the mod. I've never seen it, but it looks seriously annoying. I haven't heard anything on 343 having a specific approach to banning these people, sadly.
  16. Turtlespoon

    Turtlespoon Promethean

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    That's a shame, luckily I haven't come across anyone using this but anyone trying would be mad to use it in matchmaking. Probably wouldn't take long for someone to report it. (I imagine)
  17. xECLIPSEx

    xECLIPSEx Forerunner

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    Eventually the amount of complaints filed against the game modifiers or "Hackers" will stack up and they will get banned OR someone will get really mad and boot them offline for a very long time, but they could just never get caught at all and go on their way happily making people rage quit.
  18. nitemare400

    nitemare400 Promethean

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    LOL funny
    Conan on the other hand is NOT

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