Funbox v2 Hello, Forgehub! I haven't been on here for a bit, but I am going to post my second map! This map is a free roaming Infection map designed to fit the standards of the Halo 3 community. This map is a much needed remake of a friend's Infection map, Fun Box. All people who have played this map have enjoyed it's casual nature and have had an altogether great time playing this map. This is an normal infection map, that can be played on many different infection gametypes.. The point is to survive in this factory for as long as you can. No crazy objectives, just zombie killin! Dont worry! Here are some screenshots! People rushing to get to a safe haven, and a frontal view of the funbox. An inside view of the Funbox, many secrets lie within... They are for you to explore! The backside of the Funbox, and an entrance to a basement cellar. Another view of the inside of the funbox, and a zombie looking for food... Some of the first people to play this map. Huge props to mr nibbles P90 for sticking with me as a tester. The middle corridor. Shotgun spawn! The entrance to the basement, and yes, the survivors can use barrels to block off the entrance, but they do it to their own demise, because it provides cover for zombies and they can easily be knocked away. Survivors trying to block themselves in. An inside view of the basement Extra juicy details! yum... The basement at first look, may look impossible to assault, but it has many, many weaknesses. The barrels I put in there were one, for aesthetic reasons and two, to provide zombies good cover. also there are cracks in the walls and the ceiling that I purposefully made so that zombies can slice through the cracks and infect some nasty little humans! The basement is not the only "last stand point" there are other secret ones littered across the map, but they are all balanced out, so that the zombies don't take forever. I hope you guys enjoy this map, and please try to be constructive with your criticism. Map There is yet to be a specified gametype, but well it IS an infection map so most infection games will work. Forgehub FTW!
I am confused. You need details on your map. What is the point, what do you do, who spawns where with what shields when?
this map looks very fun, but if the the point of it is to survivefor the longest amount of time, then wouldn't it be like a remake of michaels manor?
I honestly dont know that map, but if you want a clearer explanation, this is just infection... not complicated. If you're a human, kill zombies and if your a zombie kill humans.
looks like a zombie piss off game. in the first coridors you need some major cover... or at least a rule the zombs move fast? slow? lots of sheilds? insta kill? sheild leech? haha
Yes, I have added alot of cover in the middle corridoor, and with zombie gravity at 50%, they can easily catch humans off guard when in high places.