Fumball v2 [FONT="]fumball!!!!!!!!!! v2 is finally out, sorry it took awhile because i had to redo the map all over again because i ran out of money and i was really upset, so i said screw it and used a unlimited money map and got it done. the map turned out a really great success!!!!, the map is bigger and you have more room to run around. people have 200 speed and 75 gravity, and if you hold on the the oddball you have 300 speed and 50 gravity, and ive put over shields on top mid and they spawn on top mid so get it while it lasts. the gravity hammers spawn on the side of top mid as well, they spawn in 45 seconds and its pretty good for taking down the over shield guy so it helps a lot. the gameplay is intense and alot of fun so check it out and tell me what you think. if there's a problem with the man cannons in the beginning please let me know because Ive been fixing it for awhile so please let me know. here's the gametype and map link enjoy!!!! [/FONT] Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Share
It seems somewhat fun but looks like it might lose its' "fun-ness" after about a play or two, the ceiling looks good but you could just make the walls higher and use the extra money from deleting the ceiling in order to add more aesthetics or even make the playing field have more features.
aww what happened to this Probably ceiling issues right, maybe turning the angle of the man cannons could help. Idk really its a fun game but it just needs aesthetics to make it pop.
Its the looks of something, or its visual appeal. Having good aesthetics in a map means that it looks really nice. EDIT: adding some decorations along the wall and/or ceiling is an easy way to improve the aethetics. make sure it doesn't interfere with the gameplay, though.