im sure some people have seen this already, but i didnt see it on here after searching. so here is the full multiplayer ranks list with cR values and icons
holy shiiiiiiiiit that is a lot of ranks! I had no idea that there was going to be that many. That just blew my mind.
Saw this quite a while ago and i was suprised that they have some of halo 2 ranks back, awesome. 20 million credz for top rank!!
Holy, 20 million! I'm at about 650,000. This is going to take forever. I'm a little over one fortieth of the way lol.
You're probably more than that, thats probably the amount of credits you have available to spend. Plus would you really want anyone to be able to hit the top rank even remotely fast, because then your rank progression would end, which would be boring.
Wow, I thought being a Lt. Colonel Grade 3 was good. I had no idea there were this many ranks. I can't wait for Bungie to raise the level cap! Thanks for posting this, Wood Wonk!
Not only are there are way more ranks ithan H3 some of the ranks toward the end seem to look pretty sweet. It looks like Bungie put some time into creating these ranks artwise. This is also great for players who will be playing for a long time. ^_^
i want to be a nova until i die. and i thought the lightning stuff and pilot would be hard to get. that stuff is childs play. well, i feel less bad about taking it slow now that i realize it will take like 2 years for me to hit the top if i continue to play it.
That's been out for quite a while now. I'm kind of surprised this is just now being posted. Also, YouTube - Halo Reach:Highest Skill Rank, All Unlockables, Haunted Helmet