I would love to check out this map as its one of the only Lockout remakes to include custom made towers and not use the premade ones completely. I will most likely add some stuff into the map as well. For example, in the green hallway no one ever makes the doors for some reason. And they give you small glass windows in this that would work great to line that hallway with. The sniper tower should be a little bit taller just so that people are not tempted to jetpack on top of it. Other then that this map looks beautiful. Can't wait for release!
I appreciate your feedback but you won't be able to add much to this map when it's released although I will make the tower taller for you (PS I have a kill barrier up there so they can't get up there XD) When creating this map I had to consider the budget and item limits as well as everything that made the original map unique such as line-of-sight and door frame jumps. Gameplay is the number one thing I considered while making this map. Hope you enjoy the final when it's released [br][/br]Edited by merge: The map is now released. Feel free to download it