I am new to the site as a member, but ive downloaded many maps from here that have all turnedout very fun. (just putting that out so if i do something wrong against the rules, sorry) Anyway i got the idea of what i think may be a cool aesthetic and infection type of map. Anyone who's played Warcraft by Blizzard will probably know this. How about a halo 3 remake of the actual frozen throne? I've tried it, but im not the best forger nor am i the most patient. If you have no clue what so ever of what the Frozen Throne is umm here's a picture of it i googled up http://static.sftcdn.net/de/scrn/23000/23319/3_warcraft_frozen_throne_01.jpg http://www.hordelife.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/ss9.jpg If you still can't tell what it is: It's basically a tower with stairs ascending around the tower in a snow/icy environment. Anyway, id find it cool to see a map like this made.
I've played a LOT of TFT. I freaking love that game. Moving on to sc2 now though. I'm not sure to many people here have played it here. I think it would be a bit hard to make it with rectangular objects so can't say I'd want to help you make this, but good luck on your endeavor.