Frozen Dark

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by A bag of soap, Oct 18, 2008.

  1. A bag of soap

    A bag of soap Ancient
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    "'Urk...' you grunt as you wake up. What happened? You were lying on a metal floor. Cold and hard. You suddenly remember. The power went out. You were emptying used fusion coils into the dumpster. One of them wasn't finished. It exploded, the power went out. ' No. ' You say, under your breath as you look at the power meter. A robotic voice chirps '1 minute 47 seconds to emergency power.' You swear under your breath. You wake your comrades. You must be suffering from amnesia. 'Where is the infirmary?' You wonder aloud. Something else hits you. Your apprentice, Dr. Smith, had entered a room before the explosion. You heard a scream. The research zombie was hungry, and it's first victim was Smith. You, and your colleagues prepare magnums, and begin running around the research facility. 'One minute, zero seconds' the voice says again. It's gonna be a long night."

    [​IMG]An alpha zombie with poor camouflage

    Please don't be too hard on me as this is my first map. Frozen Dark is a infection map. It is slightly unique in that as time passes it gets darker, and darker. As night arrives after 1 minute it is extremely difficult to find any of the hidden weapons, which there are a lot of. Including a Splazer, and rocket launcher. The map itself involves a group of scientists escaping their own genetically created beast. They have 1 minute before the alarm sounds, and the beast is released from it's cell. Blackout's dark nature helps the map look like a freakishly hard to see place. Hidden around the map are a few flares. Which on this map are not for enemies, but for you. When in doubt pop a flare. The flares serve as flashlight balls. If you can't see anything you can deploy a flare, and unless you are within 2 feet of it you will have a clear view of everything around you, much to your advantage. As a human, you can take two paths in the begining. The fast cut. Or the long cut. If taking the long cut you should use your two grenades tactically or else you'll be late, and a zombie will be chopping you up as soon as you're out. However, if you do take the long cut you can get a sniper rifle, a needler, a pretty well hidden shotgun, and two plasma grenades. You however must continue quickly if you want to catch up with your fellow scientists. If you go the other path you will be able too pick up 0 weapons until you rendevous with the scientists who took the long cut. If you and your partners look for the infirmary you're out of luck. It was blown up in the explosion that took you out. There is however a healing device left on the map. As you continue throughout the map you will eventually stumble upon the armory.

    [​IMG] The turrets were set up by the scientists in case of a security breach.

    After you get here you are almost completely safe, as long as you have 3 turret users, and the rest shotgun holders. Out of sight is a breakable wall in which the humans enter. Humans can hold out here for a while until there numbers are whittled down. After this the remaining scientists can retreat to the garbage dump. The teleporter to it is hidden, but it can be jumped on through the long cut I was talking about earlier. However the long cut path can only take you to the top of the dump with my game type.

    [​IMG] The garbage dump Last resort.

    Please give me feedback on this map. Is it good for a first map? How can I improve? Thanks. I could also use a play tester to test the map for me.

    Map variant of Blackout:Frozen Dark

    Game variant for Frozen Dark
  2. FlipStik

    FlipStik Ancient
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    Looks like an amazingly fun map, especially for a first map, the backstory idea is pretty great, but only one thing, people wouldn't want to take the short way and get no guns and be dangerous if the long way is safe and has a lot of guns.. I recommend placing a weapon more powerful than the others in the long way to attract people into the dangerous route and risk their lives just for a little longer time of survival. The overall idea of this map is great and awesome. 4/5.
  3. A bag of soap

    A bag of soap Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback Flipstick. The long path is not so much of a long path as a barricaded path. The reason why I did call it the long path is because of the barrier wall I placed by the door takes a very long time to bypass. It does have it's uses if you want to get some of the hidden weapons, but by the time the zombie escapes if you're not doing it right you could still be in the starting room trying to do it the long way.
  4. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    a very good first map indeed the backstory towards it is great! the only problem for me is the short way with no weapons
    maybe u could put like some assault rifles there or something like that

    Overall 4.7/5 just put a few weapons for the short way and it should be great
  5. A bag of soap

    A bag of soap Ancient
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    I know armories are usually bad, but I can't help but feel this one isn't overbalanced. The zombies spawn behind a shield door, and can take more than one shotgun blast at close range, and about 14 machine gun bullets. All the weapons except some grenades, and a shotguns are where the zombies, and super zombie rush in. It isn't one of those armories where zombies explode as soon as they enter. It requires humans to stay on their toes and guard against both entrances as zombies enter. I know this is a first map, but I'm wondering if I should make a v2?
  6. A bag of soap

    A bag of soap Ancient
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    And ultimate the short path is short enough that you can get to the other hidden weapons in the path before the zombies and humans who took the long route can arrive. Humans who take the short route can reach the armory before the strong zombie arrives.
  7. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I like the backstory and map, but the turrets at the end are a bit annoying seeing as they never run out of ammo. I'm guessing that inside the dumpster is a mound of fusion coils...

    Pretty simple map, but good nonetheless.
  8. A bag of soap

    A bag of soap Ancient
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    The dumpster actually isn't a huge thing of fusion coils. It has 3 in it. The rest is just wood boxes, barriers, and barrels.The thing about the turrets at the end is that when zombies drop in the could easily take out a turret user, if they're not being tactical because the zombies have 150% health with shields.
  9. DKsavage99

    DKsavage99 Ancient
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    great idea
    nice story behind it
    sounds awesome
    might be too hard for zombies, but im not sure
    awesome for first map

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