Frostbite Map Description: "Chilling winds and sub-zero temperatures have rendered this Forerunner structure uninhabitable. 8-12 players" About Frostbite: Alright, now that you have seen some of the key points of interest, let's explain how Frostbite is designed to play. Frostbite is large, somewhat Asymmetrical Map residing on a cut off portion of Avalanche. The map itself is pretty straightforward: Two bases, stuff in the middle, yada yada. I made all the power weapons Neutral to give each team many different ways to counter the enemy. Each base is given a teleporter to: 1) Prevent spawn camping, with Sniper, BRs, etc. 2) Makes use of all the map, not just certain areas. 3) Fast travel across the map for better flow. Without these teleporters, each base would be extremely predictable as far as where players would go. That, and much of the map would become unused and it would take too long to travel to different parts of the map. The Central Man Cannon is design to not take you directly to the Sniper. I did, however, intend for players to still be able to go off of it, so if there is a sniper there or enemies in that vicinity, you can take the man cannon with a BR or Rocket and chuck nades at enemies for Infantry/Aeriel Strikes. Very fun indeed The rest of the map is pretty straight forward. If you wanna learn more, well download and see for yourself! I only have one playtest video as of yet. i need two more before I can submit this to Atlas. Here is one: 4v4 Team Slayer Weapon Loadout: + 9 BRs (Base ones at 10 sec, the rest at 45 sec) + 2 Carbines (10 sec) + 1 Bruteshot (60 sec) + 1 Needler (90 sec) + 6 Spikers (2 at 10 sec, 4 at 20 sec) + 4 SMGs (30 sec) + 12 Plasma Grenades (30 sec) + 8 Frag Grenades (20 sec) + 4 Spike Grenades (20 sec) + 1 Shotgun (1 Clip) (180 sec) + 1 Rocket (1 Clip) (120 sec) + 1 Sword (150 sec) + 1 Beam Rifle (180 sec) + 1 Mauler (45 sec) + 2 Assault Rifles (10 sec) + 1 Active Camo (180 sec) + 1 Overshield (150 sec) + 2 Regens (120 sec) + 1 Bubble Shield (120 sec) + 1 Trip Mine (90 sec) + 1 Ghost (in front of Sword Room) (150 sec) ========================== Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I plan on submitting this to Atlas, so be as hardcore as you can. Screenshots: A-base A-base 2 D-base D-base 2 Center Area 1 Center Area 2 Neutral Rocket (next to Man Cannon) Beam Rifle (atop the Forerunner structure) Sword (under sniper) Neutral Overshield Neutral Shotgun Download Here: Frostbite
Good work with Advance geo merging. Can you go into the real base there seems to be no plasma doors on the doors and you have interlocked the top bit so you can not come from behind. I love where the oversheild is place and how you geo merg the box and bridge in the ground. Could you upload a picture of the ghost and the sword room because i can not see it. Anyway overall i give you a 4/5 ill download latter cause internet is messing up.
I like the idea with this map a lot. It seems pretty solid but the one thing that turns me off is the seemingly random crates. They look unappealing and tacked on to me. I personally think that they should be removed save the ones in front of the bases. Also, you posted the same picture twice.
I like the whole idea, and i think actually the random boxes and crates in the center adds an interesting feel to it and i think it will be positive for the game play. While yeah the stuff is randomly scattered it seems, since a lot is geomerged it more gives it a feel of a junk yard type setting, but i would recommend you remove any lone walls just standing up on their own, those i will agree look pretty bad. I would also recommend touching up d base (whichever the center one is) a bit since it looks a bit...sloppy. But other then those few things i love the idea and all the geomerging. Great map.
The reason that crates aren't used that much is because they are really sloppy looking and they move a lot and they disappear to reset, which is irritating. Plus, the map will just look way better if they were removed or replaced by other things (personally, I think they should just be removed.) Also, I forgot to mention this, but the lines of site need a lot of work. The LoS needs to be blocked a little between the bases so you don't see the enemy right when you immediately walk out. A base should be a safe place to spawn and from some of the areas on the map, like the default Avalanche base, you can easily camp with the sniper if anybody attempts to walk outside. There isn't much cover from it either and the Default Base is basically the highest point of the map. I would add some more levels to some areas on the map (maybe a bridge that stretches across the map?) Plus, the sniper shouldn't spawn in the main sniper area. There isn't any risk vs. reward from that. I would suggest moving it on top of the lift that LEADS into the default base. That way, if you choose to go to the base to snipe through the cannon, you have the risk of being shot by a bunch of people. I would remove the Shotgun and replace it with a Mauler and keep the the Rockets and OS where they are at. The Camo isn't in the best spot either because of how far in the open it's placed. Oh, and it seems like there are way to many power cores/fusion coils. Not a lot of maps use them because they tend to cause lag. I would suggest removing a few.
I totally messed up and posted the same pic twice >.< The Sword Picture is up and running. The Ghost is placed directly where the Hornet would spawn in a regular Avalanche game. I'll try and get a better pic of it later, but for now if you look at the picture titled "center area 2", you should see it where I described to you. The base where the sword and sniper are located is blocked off entirely with geomerging (those bright yellow doors are too bright and annoying). Well, think about this: If those crates were removed, especially during BR starts, how would players walk safely through that area without getting BRed from everywhere? They are there strictly for cover. They can be moved around, which can also provide a cool variety in strategy. The lone walls are, again, strictly for cover (not aesthetics). Sloppy? What makes them sloppy? That they aren't geomerged into the ground? Sigh... Again, the crates are on there for cover, not entirely looks. Maybe you could give me suggestions as to what would be better alternatives, but wether crates or used or something else, cover should remain manily because that whole area becomes a death trap for players, especially if it is AR starts. Well, as with the Default Avalanche, players have teleporters available to them. With my map, players have a teleporter at each base so if a sniper is camping the bases (and there is only 1 sniper FYI), players just take the teleporter and zip to another part of the map. You could maybe think of it like Blood Gulch, as far as LoS goes, but there are ways out of the base specifically for that reason, as well as fats travel across parts of the map. If you see, I blocked off the top part above the sniper, so players taking the Man Cannon can't actually get up there. there are Power Cores up there, so it makes it semi dangerous, but I learned through my game test taht here really isn't a lot of cover and even during an AR start game where no one knew where anything was, I had the sniper and only got like four shots in before I was naded and Rocketed and BRed. The only two access points to the sniper are the two walkways up each side. I see your reasoning with the Shotgun. Maybe reduce clip(there is already a Mauler on the map) to zero? The camo is in an area that is specifically Risk vs. Reward. The Camo on this map is very useful, and I wanted to make it sort of a prize for the player who not only acquires it, but can actually use it. The Only Power core i see being removed would be the ones near the Camo and maybe the ones in the Attacker's base, but as far as the others, they are there for reasons. The Rocket ones are there mainly to make it a Danger zone, and also to prevent possible BR/Sniper camping. The ones by the sniper, are kinda there for obvious reasons
Well, a good alternative to crates would be more complex structures such as a a claw coming from the wall or something to that extent. You make good points though and I can see how useful they can be in terms of cover, but I think actual structures and things like that could add a lot more. I completely forgot about the teleporters, so disregard what I said about the spawn camping or whatever. I would just remove the Shotgun and have two Maulers. Having a Shotty and Mauler seems kind of weird to me. Then again, you do have a sword on the map so a Shotgun doesn't seem too bad of an idea. On the lines of sight, replacing the crates with vertical double boxes and such would subtly block a few lines of sight and would look nicer, in my opinion. Based off of my experience with placing Camo (my favorite power up, mind you) is that it should be in a place of low to medium traffic while still holding true to the risk vs. reward. The reason is because, you need to be able to get away with your prize so it becomes the most useful. You have a great spot for it, just an archway or something like that protruding from that little cliff going over it will help making your escape with it easier while keeping the pathway to it open and more risky. I really love the Overshield location though. Also, I totally think a bridge of double boxes that extends from D-Base to that red vertical merged double box, to A-Base and putting the Overshield on top of that would be pretty cool would be pretty cool to add. It's not critical, but it would add a little something to the combat.
True true... my only thing stopping me from using super intricate structures is the giant wall. It used up many of my double boxes unfortunately (the price for using unique ideas i suppose). I see what you mean with the camo, I had never thought of something like that. It seems interesting... lol I'll mess around with it. When placing weapons on the map, I had the shotgun on the map as a sort of Rival to the Sword. It is placed in an area of high traffic, minimal cover, and has a Power Core placed right next to, being quite dangerous to get and keep. I think i'll keep the Shotgun as it is for now. When I get more playtests on this map, I'll be wary of the Shotgun (and the other power weapons too) to see how they work in different games. If problems arise, I'll definitely add in a change to that. Don't get me wrong, I actually, when first designing the map, was thinking of making a sort of upper catwalk that would somehow connect bases. It is very hard due to lack of objects at m disposal. I mean, I guess I could do it if i used all the obhects I had, but it would look, and feel, rather odd, lol (think: a bridge consisting of Ramps, Watchtowers, Shield blockers, and bridges. Very ugly.). But I'll definitely try and get some more cover-type structures in the center, but the boxes at the bases, and even the ones over on Camo side I beleive should remain. Overshield side does look rather cluttery though, I agree. I'll look into making some more appealing structures. I am going to let you know, and not just you, but evevryone here, that my goal for this map isn't about the aesthetics, but rather the gameplay aspect of it. I think making more solid structures would make the map play better for certain areas, but not all. And geomerging for the sake of geomerging, is not something i would like to be critiqued on (unless it would benefit gameplay drastically).
That should always be your goal. Gameplay will always rule over aesthetics. Making aesthetic structures contribute to the gameplay as well as look nice too (take most of the structures and walkways on Mudkip Farm.) I would say just make a bride consisting of, well, bridges. Maybe add a small system of catwalks going through the map in the Overshield area? If you don't have Brute Shots and it's far enough away from the wall, it shouldn't be a problem.
. on topic. I personally think this map looks kind of like you just randomly ghost merged stuff. I think you could probably lose most of the submerged boxes and build something pretty cool.
Well, they aren't random. They are there for a purpose: to provide substantial cover, lol. I have already brought this up, but I plan on going back to the drawing board for some concepts on this map, using advice from people. Plus, I really want this map play uniquely, like I try to do with most of my maps(they usually are unique concepts, even though the obviously play regular competitive gametypes .
It feels like there is to many random crates and what not sorry but I've seen alot better work from you before.