you really tackled a giant of a problem with this map; making an enclosed arena-style map on avalanch. i commend you for the effort. ill have to download and see how good you did, but DAMN you must have balls the size of the jupiter to even think about trying this. 3/5 *because you are a badass*
Pretty sick map. I really like maps like these that are on Avalanche. Your map looks okay for gameplay but I kinda see some parts that are a little crooked. Also in my opinion, you should make it looks bigger and interlock more stuff to make it look neater. Sorry, no dl right now. Look forward for v2!
Thanks everyone for the feedback and thanks Creep1ng De4th for the link! I will make a v2 in the future...
Interesting, fresh design. Consider looking heavily into interlocking (and advanced interlocking/geomerging) and integrating it into this otherwise dandy map. I, for one, strongly approve of something other than Foundry...though I don't particularly love Avalanche, blue sky is a GREAT replacement for rusting metal...
Looks like a great map only problem is that you should probably interlock the ground together, This looks rather bumpy. Also glad it's on avalanche because always playing on foundry all the time is a litle boring and has absolutly no aestetic value. Very insperational, seeing that i this just made me want to make a small arena style MLG map on avalanche.
After several suggestions to interlock object/ground, I have broken down and am willing to learn how to do so...anyone wanna show me how on Xbox Live? If I am taught properly I can add this to v2...