Frostbite v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by JuiceBox Hero, May 29, 2008.

  1. JuiceBox Hero

    JuiceBox Hero Ancient
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    I posted this map earlier today. The post was very unsuccsessful. The pictures got really messed up. Well I tried to fix them all I could but I didn't know how to fix em. Okay, The map has been updated a lot. I have added a Prowler and a Ghost to Each Base. I have added 4 Fuel Rod Guns to each base. I have added a lot more scenery to my too. Like a major communication station. Explosives were a really cool addition too.

    I could'nt figure out how to post the pictures anyway =(. But I did make a slideshow. Its the best I could do.

    Download link----
    #1 JuiceBox Hero, May 29, 2008
    Last edited: May 29, 2008
  2. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Seeing as you've used photobucket to upload images I'm guessing you have tried embedding them properly. If you havent tried this link then check it out now, if you have and are still having trouble try personal messaging a mod or me (click the private messages link in the top right panel on any page), I'll try to help if I can because getting images to work got me at first. I hate to see a post wasted as it wasn't laid out properly.

    Also, a more detailed description would help alot although this will be easier once you have pics and can describe the map with captions for each pic.

    Haven't I seen that spanish guitar pic in someone else's avatar? I really like it.
  3. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Well, after you upload on photobucket, take the direct link from the pic and embed. Embedding includes placing the link between . See if that helps
  4. OnlyMaximumv

    OnlyMaximumv Ancient
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    success ok heres what you have to do highlight and copy the img tag line and paste it into your post
    #4 OnlyMaximumv, May 29, 2008
    Last edited: May 29, 2008
  5. Supreme321

    Supreme321 Ancient
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    This is not to the map posting basics, this shouldn't even be posted, it may be a good map if you post right - sorry.
  6. ActTehKiLL

    ActTehKiLL Ancient
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    Uhm i think you need pictures haha but 4 fuel rods!? haha Already sounds like riot =p
  7. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Your map sounds hectic with those power weapons, but good post= more downloads. Good Job with the map and I'll give you props because you used Snowbound.
  8. Thom Barbarossa

    Thom Barbarossa Ancient
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    looks kinda fun but it does not look like you can get into the bottem, but it is good to see people still foreging on older maps 3/5
  9. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    Didnt you read the description? He made it so that you cant get in the bottom. Next time you go on map threads, read the description.

    The map seems very crazy because of those fuel rods, although it was creative that you made it that no one can go in the tunnels. I havent seen that done yet.
  10. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I've had a forgethrough to test if you can get into the tunnels.
    The entrances in the bases seem well sealed as the grav lift radius covers the whole corridor and they're placed right so you cant get through the shield door to throw a grenade and blow them up.

    The central hole into the underground can be got through however. If you stand above it and place a grenade next to it you can drop in as it explodes and get down, you have to time it right because of the forced instant respawn but it can be done. I can do it pretty consistently but only when using plasma grenades cause of their more powerful explosion. And this being said, there are no plasma grenades on the map, or any other grenades I can find, is this a deliberate choice? If so you might want to make an accompanying gametype with starting grenades off, personally I love grenades on snowbound.
    The large shield door entrance to the underground at the back middle of the map can also be got in, just, if you pound the barriers they get damaged and you can crouch jump over them. It takes a while though and definitely isnt easy. The grav lift here seems a bit redundant as it only covers the middle of the shield door, you can get round it at either side. You could take it out and leave the Barriers. I would suggest you use 2 grav lifts but I notice you dont have any left. I think maybe its worth keeping both barriers and grav lift as the lift hinders people trying to dash through the shield door for a little protection, but you can get inside and safe if you're careful.

    These are difficult to get round so its not something that should really concern you, unless you put plasma grenades on the map when the top middle hole could become a problem in some cases. But there is a flamethrower in the underground, do you want it to be just possible to get down there or is it just a taunt?

    On the issue of getting through the blockades this map is pretty solid, only materials limit it and I can't really see it being a problem during games.
  11. JuiceBox Hero

    JuiceBox Hero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for testing out the map pegasi. I never knew that anyone could get through the barrier at the bottom. The flamethrower was just a fun addition to the map. Also, I blocked off the basement because thats normally the reason I always lose on that map in doubles. And one last thing, The Fuel Rods are crazy, but MAN do they make the map fun. =)

    JuiceBox Hero
    JuiceBox Hero

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