Wow, very cool map! Anyway, I checked the weapon/vehicle list and saw that you had 8 DMR's. Well, I'd suggest making that 6 DMR's and having 2 Needle Rifles, just because some people prefer NRs over DMRs. Plus NRs are the superior long range rifle, and the map is pretty large. Also, may I suggest adding some more mongooses? 4 doesn't seem like enough. When people spawn, there should be an option for quick travel, instead of having to walk. Even if they don't end up being used, it's still nice to have the option. BTW if you ever need a tester, just hit me up. GT is Ice Pinata
Well Ill see about the needle rifles although no one who's played the map has actually requested them. About the mongooses, the ones at the based are on 15 second respawns. There's almost always a vehicle at the bases you can take plus there's teleporters. Also, the map is still fun to traverse on foot.
:'( ok bye. Well atleast im glad a final decision has been made. Oh, and i didn't even get to pick up the sniper at all when u were testing it. wtf Territories works pretty well on this too. The terr. obj. areas seem pretty evened out, and the warthog/ghost do some damage for the defending team. You should just cram in alllll the gametypes into this map lol
Lies. I let you pick it up last time we played on this map. Anyways, Focus Rifle > Sniper. But only on this map. Only. Sorry Snippy ♥ Good choice though, Psycho. Hope it all turns out well and good, can't wait to play it again
Well, I wouldn't have minded testing it today, but a certain someone didn't really feel like doing anything... . Again, just let me know when you need another test session, I could probably bring in like 3 people when I join.
I'm gonna point this out quickly, Psycho exceeded his Photobucket Bandwidth so it'll be about a month before all his images are fixed I presume. Dun worry about et.
I believe my bandwith will reset on March 23rd. It got maxed out because one of the Cargo Port screenshots got some 6000 views. Anyway, the maps pretty much done. Burning Thunder will post it soon and he will use his photobucket so all will be well.
Y U run out of bandwidth? On a serious note, I hope to see the new and improved map soon, it looked good, and I never got to play on it at all!