i think that they are just mock setups, just more aesthetic platforms for some cool looking forging going on, not actual maps.
Well then release them to the public. They are so orgasmtastic. They could be made into some slayer/infection maps, or get used in a machinima. For example the 'Site Update' one looks quite a lot like a bridge of a ship.
there is a new banner for challenging the forgehub staff. check it out. it has power drain set inside of a fin. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/announcements/77447-beat-staff.html#post940491 thats the thread to the staff thingy there add this.
The following pic was found in 7/3 Bungie update. It looks extremely similar to the Forgotten Treasures banner, no? However, the pic was linked to a map that I know is not like that.
Gah I want a download link to these maps so bad! They look spectacular. I wonder why they are being held from the public. Any ideas?
look closely, those aren't all of the same map. some are in the sky bubble, and some are in the crypt.
They never announced what maps were being used in the "Beat the FH staff", did they? Then maybe........ just maybe..... we'll see the maps then. But the map Scope found, called "Conduction", IS going to be in Bungie vs The World.(along with Tribal War, Lotus, and Ravinia) For all we know some of the other maps from the banners could be there too, the pics from the update could just be at a different angle. But we won't be waiting much longer, in 3 days, it will all be revealed. (Maybe) Anyway the other maps in Bungie vs The World are here, hopefully someone else can find some clues in this. In fact we can even DL conduction now, right here Edit:the Conduction from the link is Chrstphrbrnnn's conduction here. So this means Bungie must be in on the conspiracy, and if they are, this is bigger then we ever could have imagined... Dun, dun, dun.......
Anyway, that pic also confirms it is on the middle tier. You can tell by looking at the ground and its lighting.
there are pics of all tiers, are there three different maps? I at first thought the picture scope posted was of a different map than the others. than I noticed the dome made of obelisks, that is also in one of the forge hub banners. maybe it was submitted to atlas before the creator posted it... confusing:frustrated:
Here is one of the Banners.... Don't ask me about anything...... Wait......a little birdie changed my mind.
Moar updates have just come! I sort of just did this to bump, but I hope it's not entirely against the rules. Anyways, EVEN more maps have come, so it seems that there are more than 5 maps now.
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>release03.02.00.00 >CONN... >REROUTING. >AUTH="SB"// >VIEW.CONVERSATION. >SB:INSERT PICTURE >What news have you heard? >SH: Its almost time. >SB: so we're going as planned? >SH: Yes. >SB: What about the grey ones? >CONN.INTERRUPTED. >REVERT.BIN.TEXT >SH:01010011 01101111 01101111 01101110 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110111 01101001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01101011 01101110 01101111 01110111 00101110 00101110 00101110... >CONN.ESTABLISHED:TEXT 266400.266399.266398.266387 >CONV.END // __________________