Froman Beach

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Frozenghost001, Dec 3, 2007.

  1. Frozenghost001

    Frozenghost001 Ancient
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    Infection Beach
    Hello everyone and here is my map, Infection Beach. Lately I have been seeing lots of unbalanced zombie/infection maps. A lot of people quitted the games and so on because the humans were WAY too overpowered. So one day, I said, "Hey! I know! I should make a balanced zombie map that everyone would like!) And so that's what I did. This map has been in construction for almost 3 hours total in between a few days and whenever I host an infection "server", my friends always want to play this map. So now I'm making it avaible to everyone!


    Humans spawn at the far side of the beach, where in objective games (CTF & Assault) the bomb/flag usually spawn to defend/bring over to the opposite base. The objective for the humans is to stay alive for X amount of time until your fellow marines come nd pick you up via Pelicans. They start w/ a Pistol and are limited with supplies. There are 4 BRs w/ no ammo clips for each one, a few AR's, and 2 snipers (all weapons have no extra clips). There is also a lone turret, which is highly exposed to zombie attack if the zombies decide to gan up on that person. You will also find 4 mongeese (ploral for mongoose) for excape routes. There are 2 partially hidden warthogs scattered along the beach. They are hidden because it will reduce the amount of spawn killing of the turret of the vehucle. One is guass & one is machine gun. There is also 2 armories. One of them is where the zombies spawn at the beginning of the game. In there you will find 4 flame grenades and a hidden surprise. But that "prize" takes a while to respawn. There is also a secret armory on the map. The teleporter for that is well hidden if you're far away from it, but if you get close you'll see it. You must find out a way to get inside that teleporter, because it's partially blocked. Inside the armory you will find all the weapons/equipement you need for the zombie attack. There is also a lone turret in the room, guarding the teleporter. There is also a custom power-up that recharges your shields instantly (you'll knwo why it's there later on).

    The Infected
    You will spawn on the sea wall at first. You objective is to kill, or infect, all living organisms left alive on the beach before their backup arrives. They will start with a sword and nothing else. When you die, you will respawn in one of the many respawn points on the map for the infected/zombies. They include almost right next to where the humans spawn (to kill the turret guy and any organism left near it), along the sea wall, along/on the big arch in the middle, and the borders of the map playing zone.

    The Gametype & The Rules
    Here are the rules for this map:
    1. No breaking out of the map! While some of my friends were beta testing this map they found out a few ways on how to get out of the map. Please do not break out because you're going to ruin the entire game for everyone else.
    2. Do not "teleport" right before you are about to get killed. Even though if you do that, you'll just probably die in the next 10 seconds or so (because of where you spawn).


    Human Characteristics **Only some are mentioned**
    -Normal Speed (100%)
    -Normal Shields (100% damage resistant; no recharge)
    -Weapon Damage (100%)
    -Radar (none)

    Infected Characteristics **Only some are mentioned**
    -Faster Speed (125%)
    -No Shields (150% damage resistant)
    -Weapon Damage (Instant Kill)
    -Radar (enchanced mode; 25m range)
    -Default Color is Zombie

    Alike Characteristics **Only some are mentioned**
    -Heavy Gravity (150%)
    -No Grenades

    Beta Testers

    --Made by Frozenghost001--
    Please leave comments below on how you liked/disliked this map. I am going to make another zombie map in the future, but I need your opinion on how good/bad this one was so I can improve on the next one. Thanks.
  2. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Re: Froman Beach -- A Well Balanced Infection Map

    I'm sorry this got pushed to the back page, because it looks like a really nice map. I'll queue it and try it out later. Great post, by the way, really easy to read and tons of information. Well done! You might consider embedding some images...those make me all warm and fuzzy inside.
  3. Frozenghost001

    Frozenghost001 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Froman Beach -- A Well Balanced Infection Map

    hey thanks for the comment. i might post some pictures in the future of actual gameplay going on. It's going to be tough because of all the new maps coming out and such. Though I will get pictures soon! Guarenteed!
  4. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lololololololol necropost

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