Sorry, Asper, but I agree, that video wasn't very good. Why don't they just let Romath be the filmer again. He just had a color on his name, right, and the first video was pretty well done (although the music wasn't good).
Well, I was just looking for some music, and since it was my first time, and was told on such short notice. I had to pick out some random music. Although it's okay AZN asked him to create the video, and me to create one for the community although I had no way of getting any footage. I think that Nitrous is supposed to be making a video of all the parties, so you should look forward to that.
Considering you need a really good PC to capture well, your technique gives better quality than most, Romath, and better than Aspers. I think both were well filmed, possible Asper you had better camera angles and so on, so I don't know which is more important... both were fine in comparison.
Don't worry, I won't waist my time and other peoples time trying to do something for our community again.
Well Romath used a DVD recorder, which is slower but doesn't rely on having an amazing cap card + PC. So I wasn't accusing you of producing a bad film Asper, in fact I thought your camera angles and movement were good. And from my point of view anyone who is willing to put in the amount of work making a film from Halo footage takes (and I know, I've done it) deserves respect, and some of the comments weren't that encouraging. But we have to be allowed to voice our opinions. Anyway that's mine and I'm sorry you feel the way you do, man.
Yeah, I know when I first realeased my video , I got some pretty harsh comments, so I think from now on all of us community should just stick to applying and playing forge nights, And leave the filming up to Nitrous.
I will still do videos for peoples maps. but nothing this big again, not after spending so much time and getting (mostly, thanks Shock..) negative comments.
Well, In my video I got mainly good comments, it just takes too long for no real credit, In my opinion.
We're either of you asked to make these videos? 1. Yes. 2. No, stop here. Reaching this diagnosis confirms your scrotum is frozen to a milk glass. Did either of you think through the effort it might require to make a video? 1. Yes. 2. No, stop here. -Reaching this diagnosis confirms prior planning might be a good thing. Did you check to make sure you had the correct technology and the knowledge to use it accordingly? 1. Yes. 2. No, stop here. Reaching this diagnosis confirms you should have never suggested you had the ability to create the video. Did you ask one of the guilders to preview the movie to point out faults in the production of the video? 1. Yes. 2. No, stop here. Reaching this diagnosis confirms you jumped the gun in posting the video. All the glory with little re-edits. Did you attempt to create a fluid dynamism of camera angles for the best possible video? 1. Yes. 2. No, stop here. -Reaching this diagnosis confirms you were too lazy to produce your best possible video. Did you want anything more than to just help the community? 1. Yes, stop here. -Reaching this diagnosis confirms your selfish. 2. No, stop here. -Reaching this diagnosis confirms we suck.
I recently got my capture card as a gift, then I spent sixty dollars of my own money to get a good editing program and worked on capturing and editing the film clips all day. just so that we would have a video for the second game night. I didn't ask for anything in return, nor did i want any "glory" or anything else in return. I just did it because I wanted too, and I learned more about making videos from doing it, And Azn did say i could. I wasn't committed to do this so how could I possibly have been lazy while making it? I'm not sure how i could have been selfish making this for our community, but if you wish I will remove it from you tube. I have learn from this and I will not make the same mistake of making a video like this for Forge Hub again. The only videos i will make from now on will be for maps of people I know as long as they request it. I'm sorry If I some how offended, annoyed, or bothered anyone for making this video...
Lol, I was joking all i got was good comments on the video. And I will check off " All Of The AboVE ".