Friction Created by: Runtime83 Map Description This is my map, Friction. It is a symmetrical map with very slight variations to the red and blue sides that has a very urban feel to it. I got the idea for this map from the Halo 2 map,Terminal. There are 2 sniper rifles that spawn at each "porch", 1 sticky det that spawns on the 2nd floor of the garage, and 1 shotgun that spawns in the green building where the tunnels connect. Each team also starts with a Warthog and a Ghost close to the initial spawn. The garage takes up most of one side of the map while the red and blue "village" sits opposite. A catwalk connects the 2nd floor villages. I recommend CTF and TS, but any of the gametypes it is set up for are fun. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! Please be sure to leave feedback, as this is the first map that I've posted in a long time. Thanks! Looking at the garage from red base side. [/URL][/img] A bird's eye view of the map [/URL][/img] owning the flag carrier from the blue porch. [/URL][/img] warthog battle in front of blue base [/URL][/img] The red village with the catwalk connecting the blue village [/URL][/img]