Friction (Map Name) Download at Gamertag: Fame28 (Map has a new layout in the bases and the center and has been play tested with extremely positive feedback so far!) Here is a new map, created by me that I feel is great for 2 vs 2 map play. It is best played with Capture the Flag game type settings. I know that people used to love playing on simplistic warm up maps, but they were too linear without any real height variations. I feel that this map promotes more team work and better accuracy due to many different changes in height. The best way to play is to kill, move forward, kill, move forward and so on as to guarantee a flag cap. The sniper rifle does spawn in the center at 60 seconds and continuously afterwards. Halo 4 Friction CTF warm up - YouTube
Not a good idea to make a 2v2 map with bases, never mind one with ramped platforms on either side looking in to a death pit. This might be okay if you had alternate routes so the non-camping team could flank, but you don't. It's just a death pit.
Gotta agree with Matty on this one. I could see it being a pain in the ass trying to get the upper hand on an enemy whos up on the top level. and the top level is really too accessible.
It's actually not that hard to push into the enemy's base, if you have good team work. Trust me this is one of the maps that have to be play tested to actually get a good opinion on. I am down to play test it with anyone and then figure out what would need to be changed. The inclines can be a bit over powering for the moment they are held down, however if you decide to play with grenades or even a jet pack you can take them out. Yes it does take a bit to get into their based though, that is the exact training purpose of the map. Thank you guys so far and I will make a variation without the inclines.
I took alot of your feedback into consideration and reworked a good portion of the map. It isn't a bad thing to start a map looking at each others spawns. It happened quite often in MLG gametypes on purpose an exciting start to the match.
The pipe structure in the middle isn't centered between what appear to be Walkways used as walls. It's driving me crazy just looking at it. I really like the aesthetic of the death pit though with the natty terrain pouring out of the pipes. Good ****.
I'm a fan of the aesthetics, although I'm not sure what the gameplay's like. I agree with other posters that the centre pit may be a bit too dangerous with all the walkways providing vision of it, but this may have been your intention. I haven't been able to play on it, so you'll have to let me know how playtests go. If you want, add me and I'll be happy to play this with you.
I fixed the pipe, I added it in a hurry and didn't realize it wasn't correct. The game play is fast and exciting.
I downloaded the map, and I really like it as a warm-up map. The map looks fantastic, though I haven't been able to play a match on it yet. One minor thing, there's holes on the support structures on the sides. You can get stuck in them or shoot through them.
I will have to look into the "hole" you speak of although no one would live long up there anyways because its a small map. Let me know how it plays when you get to try it out. Thank you [br][/br]Edited by merge: Agoat: I found the holes you spoke of and I did patch those up and I also added spectator viewing for coaches or an odd man/men (it can have up to 4 vs 4 teams play and six other spectators - each being there own color team) Download the updated version and check it out. You will be very pleased with it.