This Is A Map That Swimhunk And I (finklestein69) Made. Please Dowload And Comment And Suggestions Would Be Nice. HERE IS THE LINK TO DOWLOAD: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Yes i would recomend pics a download link pics and a description about the map but that aside welcome to forge hub
To get this up to standards you need a description, pictures, and a download link. Click in my sig for a template and to learn how to embed pics. If you don't i think this will be locked in 24 hours, right?
Not that hard that you only made an account and just posted the link without even looking at the rules, browsing through the page to look at other threads. Please read the rules about posting maps before posting.
To add photos, save them from Then go to an external image hosting site such as photobucket. Then copy the IMG code shown under the picture and paste it into the post.
To post pictures. Go to Go to your gallery. Right click each picture you want and click save. Remember where and what you saved it as. Go to Get an account it's easy and free. Upload each image. Once uploaded go to photobucket gallery. Copy IMG bar under each picture and paste it in your post. Edit: Go here for forum posting template Don't forget the description, and make sure that the name of the map is the title for the thread. Idk if fresh 2 is.
You also have to link to a forum topic on featuring your map, or the topic will be locked.
No, edit your original post, not post another. There is an edit button down in the lower right corner of the post.
Now that the pics are up, I'll comment. The map looks flawed, there seems to be only one base. I don't know where the weapons are either. You also put the overshield and camo next to each other, that's not really a good idea. The walls seem to be random. 2/5.