Brace yourself because you have just reached "freezing point". 2 - 8 players Click here to download Freezing Point Screenshots: Mountain side base (back area) Mountain side base (side area) Open side base (back area) Open side base (side area) (Chopper spawn) Me no scoping. Red Guy picking up the blue flag. Us owning the Red Guy Us shooting up the reds in the prowler. The Reds making their first score. Us on our way to make our first score. Those screenshots are of the main edits I did to the map and some newly added action ones. In short, Freezing Point is kind of like a heavy snowbound. As for weapons, vechicals, and equipment here's a full briefing on them: Weapons Battle Rifle: 14 on map. 45 second respawn. 2 Clips. Brute Shot: 2 on map. 60 second respawn. 2 Clips. Carbine: 4 on map. 45 second respawn. 2 Clips. Flamethrower: 1 on map. 180 second respawn. Mauler: 2 on map. 60 second respawn. 1 Clip. Needler: 2 on map. 90 second respawn. 2 Clips. Plasma Rifle: 4 on map. 30 second respawn. Rocket Launcher: 2 on map. 150 second respawn. No extra clips. SMG: 4 on map. 30 second respawn. 2 Clips. Sniper Rifle: 2 on map. 120 second respawn. 2 Clips. Sentinel Beam: 2 on map. 60 second respawn. Vechicals Chopper: 1 on map. 180 second respawn. Mongoose: 2 on map. 90 second respawn. Prowler: 2 on map. 150 second respawn. Equipment Frag Grenade: 6 on map. 30 second respawn. Spike Grenade: 8 on map. 30 second respawn. Bubble Shield: 2 on map. 60 second respawn. Trip Mine: 2 on map. 90 second respawn. Regenerator: 2 on map. 60 second respawn. Overshields: 2 on map. 120 second respawn. Game Types to try on Freezing Point: 1. Team Slayer 2. Multi Flag 3. FFA Slayer 4. Bond of Leaders (Not in fileshare now, but will be soon ~Its a VIP/Slayer game) 5. Neutral Bomb It only really took me an half hour or so to change everything, set up the two side bases, and test out actual game play... which wasn't all that bad. The main reason why I made this map was because I hated HC Snowbound and figured I should adjust it to my liking (that and also because I was bored)... But yeah, if you download the map I hope you enjoy it and happy forging to all.
this looks pretty good. i haven't seen a map on snowbound in, like, forever! good job! it looks fun for CTF
wow.. this map is unique. honestly.. its been forver since ive seen snowbound or a prowler.. nice job.
It's the first I've seen of a forged snowbound. =D (And yes, CTF is fun. Our game was crazy because, even though we had the better players, they had a really good driver and that caused major problems for us ~But that was before the map had trip mines. >=D )
I was honestly thinking about not putting it in, but I figured it give the map more of a brute feeling. (I think I actually might go back and edit to where the Plasma Rifles are spikers, the Sent. Beams are extra Brute Shots, and the Needlers are Grav. Hammers -- that way it is a mix of Brute and Human weapons)
Another non-foundry map! Im glad you didn't over do it with the items on snowbound but i think that the prowler is a too strong weapon for it - it's like putting a warthog in to rain destruction. Nice try though And by ur sig u seem really good at halo 3
With the trip mines, rockets, and even the Chopper... the Prowlers don't really over power the map as much as one would think. (Plus there's always the insides of Snowbound to where the Prowler can't get to) ~But thanks for sharing your thoughts. ~And yeah, I guess I'm an alright player~
only if snowbound was a bit bigger and there was more money but well cool map love how it is a old map
as soon as i saw the prowler, i went happyfaced. a snowbound map, yay! my eyes are poppin' out of all the grey and green on foundry. Love how you used those small barricades, in a good spot, yet you haven't littered the whole map with random stuff like a lot of people do. Even if the layot had almost no change, the weapon spawns and the unusual vehicles deserves a 4/5
i'm a fan of those spectre things and they are rarely placed on any maps. Good work though i would have liked to have heard that you did more extensive play testing
I couldn't even imagine 16 people on this map. @_@ (But I guess it could be work out) ~Actaully, I just pictured one guy on red team incinerating 5 - 8 blue guys. >=D
From the pics it looks unique and interesting, my only concern is the rocket launchers that are so easy to grab. To me it seems like it kinda completely counters the point of having prowlers on the map. perhaps a RL the teams can fight to get to where the brute shot normally is on Snow Bound? Idk I'll DL and see what I think.