Hey, this is my first maze map. It is recommended you play it on a game type of Team Slayer with weak damage resistance and betrayal off and make all people on the same team, to avoid kills and grenade jumps. Well, the Freeps has been around for ages but since I just signed up for Forgehub I thought meh lets upload the Freeps map, So I do have a complete understanding there are several places you can get out of the map in, but, not enough objects left to fix them so, there ya go, just hope the sequel aint as bad. But if you ignore the out the map parts then you can surely have fun this is Freeps! Booby traps scattered across the map, some leading to death! Use anything you can to escape parts of this vast maze! This maze will leave you brainjammed for hours! This is Freeps! Feel free to add me on XBL, my name is freepie. Also, feel free to put any constructive criticism, to help me with the sequel. And last but not least... DOWNLOAD LINK!
No one post a single more post about pics. Only one person is supposed to say anything. All reminders after are considered spam. He has been informed, and will get the pictures up. So please get on to the topic of the map. Shad0w: You can find a guide here.
You have 24 hours to get your thread up to standards or you will receive an infraction and a lock of your thread. If you don't know how to fix it, use the guide that I edited in to Zstrike13's post, if you have anymore questions, feel free to send me a pm and I will help you to the best of my abilities. Anyone who posts after me telling him to fix his thread will be infracted.
Ouch, sorry guys but I cant get access to the pictures as i took them while i wasnt on XBL so there is no way of getting them atm so just lock and delete this thread or something