I used that pic. Anyone want, I'll add your name.
Ill let someone else have it, but im curious, how did you make it? Is there a tut or something? I like its style.
Yeah the same one I used for my sig.
Sure, how bout something with this guy
I would take it but my sig is reserved for Robyn only. I do wonder why the fx are so concentrated on the left though, and why there is that strange distortion along the bottom? I assume it has some purpose, unless thats just how things fell into place when you made it? Nice work anyway
The original picture had the snow bursting out from the feet, and I love the heavy contrast of white space. The square waves are just part of the tut, it' looks ok ^^ Seriously tho, no one wants it?
Ohnoes I didn't think of this problem. Robyn is the woman in my sigs. She is a singer and the best and most amazing woman in existence. I have a sig rotor with her on the sigs, therefore a Robyn rotor.
You can give it somebody else but I am in need of a good sig and am willing to use it...the one I have sucks...