1v1 On this Thread, you can enlist yourself for a 1v1 Lesson. *Up to 1 person per lesson* Mentor ~ IB u IN N ii Lesson ~ Timing Weapons, Knowing Spawns, Map Control, Intermediate/Advanced Hiding spots, Intermediate/Advanced Jumping spots, and Nading. Lesson Duration ~ 15:00 - 10:00 minutes. Lesson Request forum ~ Code: [U][B]Lesson Type:[/B][/U] 1v1 [U][B]Time request entered:[/B][/U] Time, Date [U][B]Desired Lesson Time:[/B][/U] Time, Date [U][B]GamerTag:[/B][/U] GamerTag you wish to receive the game invites [U][B]Lesson Level:[/B][/U] Advanced [B][U]Desired Map Type[/U]: [/B]Map name and version [B][U]Desired Gametype[/U]:[/B] Gametype and version
Actually, i dont think many people like MLG here. Most MLG maps are great and all, but noone really cares to see them. You will get a feel people, but i doubt there will be many.
You'd be surprised Barcode... I would take the lesson, but I'm pretty confident in my 1v1 skills, although my thinking may not be completely perfect... but meh... I'll get by.
Ivory, if you check the FREE MLG Lesson Thread, you'll see that I have much more to offer then 1v1 Lessons, and that there is actually some people that care to Learn this type of stuff. So if you do want to get better fast, I suggest you check out the Thread.
Kon, if I'm warmed up I may have a chance (not a very good one though) and if I'm not, expect a 25-0 win for you...
That's a kind offer of yours, but I realize and accept my terribleness and am waiting for my inevitable Force Colonel. Back to Forge!
lesson Lesson Type: 1v1 Time request entered: 6:45pmEST,1/6 Desired Lesson Time: 7:30pmEST,1/10 GamerTag: rapid vengence Lesson Level: advanced Desired Map Type: mlg amplified or guardian Desired Gametype: 1v1 mlg
Lesson Type: 1v1 Time request entered: 11:30 AM CST, 1-10 Desired Lesson Time: 3:00 PM CST, 1/12 GamerTag: Fear the Fyre Lesson Level: Advanced Desired Map Type: MLG Guardian V5 Desired Gametype: MLG TS V5
Lesson Type: 1v1 Time request entered: July 5 2009 Desired Lesson Time: 8:00 Pm, July 05 2009 GamerTag: Aka Itz Bob Lesson Level: Advanced Desired Map Type: Mlg Guardian V.6 Desired Gametype: Mlg Ts V6
Well if someone else here is good in MLG, maybe one of you could take it over or something, or make your own, cause it seems like a good thing to have for FH/