Carbonabe Penguins GameThis game was for a computer class assignment. The controls are in the game menu. I made all of this code by myself. so please,if you dont like the graphics or the controlls, take into consideration that i made this game and bungie or any big company didnt make it. This game has to do with global warming sort of. Also it is possible to beat. If you cant beat it you SUCK. LOL JK. I hope you like it. Took about a few weeks to make (50 min a day). Please Download and Please tell me what you think Download at this SEXY LINK ROFL and clickon free user. Please Download and Tell me what you think THIS DOESNT WORK ON VISTA PICS OF THE GAME <sorry bout the quality of the pics i took them with my mom's camera>
Make some screenshots then i'll download .. I like to see what im downloading before i download .. But sounds pretty cool =]
did you make dis for me? this is great graphics! well beside the backround! well poeple will say bad graphics but you are doing it all by your self! i am too working on my games and the graphics are as good as the first mario game. it's all 2 d. because i don't want to pay untill i finish the first game. i am haveing a little truble with gravity right now. i can't seem to make the player only get one jump till he lands on the ground again. if you could help me i would love it! please emal me @ thanks if you could help me! EDIT: i'm dnldin! EDIT:EDIT: it won't finish dnldin. it says error and must contact microsoft online if you want to fix it. but i didn't...
Woo, I beat it. It was an interesting use of 15 minutes. I didn't realize how hard it would be to stop Global warming though! Once I found out that was the point of the game, it took me about 6 tries -_-
yyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy no one in my family could beat it. I WILL NOW GIVE YOU A PRIZE click here
Did Al Gore pay you to make this? I think Nintendo would buy it from you. Anyway it looks like you are a good game maker. I can't play though cuz I have a mac. ONE QUESTION THOUGH: can i haz recon p3nguin?????/
Oops, anyway i still got a 100 on it. It is unbelievably hard to make these games, the collision stuff was the hardest cuz you have to type like a pageful of code. JUST FOR ONE COLLISION BOX. To make games use Darkbasic. My school has it so i dont know ho much it costs. Ha ha ha ha ha, wow, that made my day. I acutely cracked up at the recon p3nguin joke. But unfortunately i couldn't make a recon penguin, so the creators of the game just get A FLAMING PENGUIN ROFLCOPTER