This map is really cool and there's no interlocking.You have alot of creative things on here and i love the bridge with pallets.The map looks good for Fat Kid maybe.Good map man
yes, if it didnt, then the zombies wouldnt be able to get to the top of the windmill. as for the gametype, play around with it, i usually use 25% zombies with 100% shield.
I meant that I didn't like the fact that you gave us all the information on the map as in hidden weapons. I also commented the wrong map on that a tiny bit. Sorry 'bout that. I've looked over the map in gameplay and I bump my vote up to a 3.5/5 . It's still a little bit too open for my game style though.
One thing that stood out to me was the destructible bridge made of pallets. This won't work sometimes. I made this on one of my maps and since receiver nodes are so large, they hold up the pallet scraps. People could still walk across by just stepping on the scraps. A simple and easy way to fix this is by just using weapon holders instead of receiver nodes.
This maps ok 2.5/5 its just that the main thing in your map is a windmill thats it.. and from what i see theres like no interlocking.
Awesome! This map is EXACTLY what I always like in forge maps--a clear objective, aesthetics that actually seem to resemble what they're supposed to be, gameplay that is hectic, yet balanced, and a unique game-changing feature (i.e. the destructible bridge). This map is feature material. Keep it up! 5/5
u shud interlock a bit more with roofs in village and a few other spots. other than that looks good. ill give your post a 89%
It looks great to play on, although it does'nt like you put that much effort into the village. I love the graves though!
thanks for all the comments guys. i know the village seems plain. its kinda supposed to be cuz thats where the zombies spawn. and u can hide in the roofs. but im thinking of making a v2 once my xbox get back from having RRoD. when i made this map i was just learning interlocking so thats why there isnt much (im not trying to get defencive im just telling u guys why). thx for all the great feed back guys!!!
-windmill -turret tower -pallet bridge -graves -LOTS of hiding spots. -yea, theres interlocking. DL the map before u rate.