Framework Created by Camoflaug Recommended Players: 4 - 6 Recommended Gametypes: One Flag, Team Slayer, KOTH Framework can be considered Camoflaug's magnum opus (at least thus far) as it has been developed over the course of many weeks. What you see today is the second version of the map, as the original didn't satisfy its creator. The author made use of all the constructive criticism he garnered from the previous incarnation and rebuilt the arena from the ground up. After incorporation a myriad of minor changes and tweaks to gameplay, the map emerged from the ashes of its previous iteration. Framework uses the general layout of foundry and one of the back bases as a means of accomplishing a simple goal: create a successful 2v2 using the underused areas of Foundry. Another noticeable landmark are the curved aesthetics that give the map a larger, factory-like feel whilst maintaining a competitive-oriented size. Try not to lose yourself in the maze of lifts, jumps, and ledges, rather learn the unique layout and use it to maintain the advantage. This map is truly work of art and shows the dedication and open-mindedness of the author to take criticism well and to turn a good map into a great map. Download Framework View Original Forge Hub Thread for More Information
I always though that this map should get featured. I love to play slayer 2v2 and stuff on it. The base is such a great addition. The weird thing is that I looked at this page five minutes ago and tried to write this same post, but it said that I didn't have access to the page and I couldn't post on it.
Congrats Congrats on the feature Camo! I have this map on my hard drive and have had some great games of CTF on it. This is well deserved.
AHHHH. I remember playing this map when it was first released. This map is IDEAL for snipers after testing it. Especially a headshots only style of snipers. This map has a complex design which I really luv as well.
lol, finaly. great geometry and gameplay remember 2 weeks ago, when i left the "congratz on premium" message on your wall.....
Cool, I have played this map many times. I helped him test before he posted the v2. Definitely deserving of the feature.
What an amazing map, truly. This must've took FOREVER to make. I wish I had come with this masterpiece! 5/5
Doesn't this make Camoflaug a premium? Wow, congrats on the feature and the premium rank. This map is a definate download to those who like 2 vs 2 maps. Great work. Edit: Oh wow, he's logged off. He'll definately get a big surprise when he logs back on. I think I'll send him a PM so he knows what's up when he comes back online...
Personally I don't like the jumps on this map. It's one of those maps where it's hard to jump from Walkway A to Walkway B. Crouch-jumping is a necessity and I don't necessarily like that. I like maps geared more towards game play that flows like liquid. I thought this map, whilst in Capture The Flag, played like a Fat Kid game. Defender's could easily stay back and defend and send out a straggler to collect weapons. King of the Hill did not play all that great for me either. I won the match but did not like it nonetheless. I think the map excelled in Team Slayer though. The jumps and walkways provided efficient cover due to the fact that they were tight corridors. 'Nades slipped and slid across them, providing my love for this map. While I dreaded the map in Objective, I was definitely a fan in the Slayer department. Congratulations on the feature and Premium, Camflaug. You deserved it! Edit #1: I primarily played 3v3 and 4v4 for Objective. Edit #2: Oh my gosh, guys! Bl00D F1R3 featured his friend's map! The staff are so corrupt! [/sarcasm] Had to say it though... I will report anybody who says this seriously though. Irritates the **** out of me when it happens. It is problematic.
Finally it is featured Really camo was so annoying with the "im probably not posting it" and all of us saying "WTF are you thinking" The map rox and the feature is a great choice
lol Nobody is congratulating you on premium! sdrakulich showed me this before it's released (gosh I Halo is so boring without him there to yell at me) and he said that this was the next great feature on FH (He also said High Voltage would get it too lol) but I was really impressed with the lifts and how the map was so tactical unlike many maps on Halo today. Great job Camo. Congrats on Premuim! This is well deserved.
Nope, I was the first person to, plus the post behind me (which is the post before your's). It always helps to read ALL of the posts before you say something like that.
I was just waiting for this to get featured. I play a 2v2 on it like every time I get on just because it's amazing. Congrats on the feature and on premium
hmm i almost never download maps but i love the look of this. im actually gonna play halo for once.. maybe im just happy finals are over
Bluedevil, omg.... please stop mentioning High Voltage in every post you make, it will get featured if it gets featured, not becasue you advertize it for a feature. and if you noticed in my post, 3rd or fourth one, you would see "hey remeber that gratz on prems 2 weeks ago i sent you?"
WOW :O the geomerging with the walls in inside the side room is incredible! absolutely incredible, nice work man, congrats on the feature
Absolutely lovely! Gorgeous map here. A definite download from me. I never saw version 1, but this one looks great! LOVE how you transformed the back area of foundry up. It makes it even more original and appealing. Layout looks amazing. I rate it 5/5. keep forging
This is a solid map and a nice feature. I can tell the weapons and layout were well thought out for competitive gameplay.
the only thing at reall stands out to me is the side bases. thats some hott geomerges. but it looks alright. ill DL ust cuz its featured. id give the map a 4/5.
awesome map, very great seems assymetrical and symmetrical at the same time which is something that most map dont have so i will dl 10/10