MLG Framework

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by PandaKing, Oct 25, 2010.

  1. PandaKing

    PandaKing Forerunner

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    (V 1.2)

    Framework is a large symetrical map perfectly suited to slayer gametypes. It is circular in design an has four levles, with most of the combat taking place on the central two levels. All the levles can be navigated between easily, an the lower levle has two grav lifts which take you to the third level. Rockets spawn on the very top.
    The Top
    The Third level
    The Second level
    The Bottom Level
    #1 PandaKing, Oct 25, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2010
  2. Facts

    Facts Forerunner

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    This looks very interesting, queued it for DL. One thing I saw from the pics is there are some places that a 45 degree corner could complete the circle (2nd level). That is if theres any budget and bridges/plats left.
  3. JGarb

    JGarb Forerunner

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    Some pieces are not edge-to-edge, and alot of pieces look out of place. I reccomend fixing these problems.

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