Yup. It's near impossible to get framerate on Forge Island because the natural geometry is so simple.
^ I'm yet to have any screenlag on any of the maps ive made on forge island, some of which have used the entire budget
Did you ever have framerate problems on a map in Forge Island where you used a lot of window coliseums? Because I'm currently making a map that uses up quite a number of these and I'm worried about framerate problems.
Considering you can only place 20 at the most (because they're now in buildings for whatever reason) I doubt you'll be able to place enough to get any significant framerate problems. The only framerate problems I've ever had on Forge Island was in Split Screen, but that's a given.
people misuse the term framerate to refer to an actual problem, which is a drop in framerate. Saying your map hs framerate is like saying a tv has resolution. Anyways, I agree with everyone else that the simple geometry and item category changes limit the loss of framerate alot. I also think the shadow draw distance is shorter on Forge Island, but I'm not positive.
Nah man I havn't, I generally avoid that piece as it never really seems to fit into my map themes. But you can bet that using 20 of those plus all blocks, doors windows and walls and bridges will give u some sort of framerate problems. way to check tho as you're working go to forgeball and float above your map so that the entire thing is in view and go from side to side if you see the screen lag or jump. do it from every angle that has a lot of pieces on the screen at the same time. also try it in a custom game as you will always have more screen lag in forge than in a custom game. if you dont feel any jumping then get a buddy to join you (preferably from your country so you wont confuse screenlag with normal lag) and ask them to do the same tests. if that all makes sense ^
yea I too have noticed that Forge Island seems to be much more forgiving in terms of framerate drops. I think the colluseum windows being 150 each has a lot to do with that. But also, as someone else said, the rocks are easier for the game to render, apparently. That, and trees are a solid trunk with sprites as branches/leaves, so that doesn't add much processing for the game to handle.
Lmao hell no I've just barely been on at all these past few weeks ill jump on like for 2 hours every 5 days or so D: that and my nat is still messeup