Hey forgehub community, Im brand new to forge and i created this divine map on one of the new anniversery maps and my problem is "Frame Rate". Basically its a building made out of blocks and when you zoom in with the sniper it kind of has lag, Like in game lag not connection lag, To make this map more enjoyable i need to eliminate this "Frame Rate Lag" PLEASE HELP ASAP, ILL CREDIT WHOEVER Helps
Which canvas were you forging on? I noticed on Ridgeline that with 4 split screen and no objects, the water below discos...
im in solitary, and i have set up a bunch of walls to keep you in 1 room......And when you zoom in on the wall it lags
What walls? With not much to go on I can tell you that if you can accomplish the same goal of keeping the players in 1 room with less pieces then you should try to do that.