Sandbox Frailty

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Hadokenchild, Jul 1, 2009.

  1. Hadokenchild

    Hadokenchild Ancient
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    For 8 - 16 players
    Supported Gametypes:
    Assault, Capture the Flag, Infection, Juggernaut, King of the Hill, Oddball, Slayer, Team Slayer, Territories, VIP

    Get Map Here


    Frailty is an asymmetric map designed for competitive vehicular combat for parties of 8 to 16 people. The map has all gametypes available but has really only been tested for Slayer, CTF, KOTH, and Assault.


    Mongoose x4
    Warthog x2
    Ghost x2


    BR - 20 sec resp - 2 clips
    Shotgun x2 - 90 sec respawn - 0 clips
    Sniper x2 - 120 sec respawn - 0 clips
    Carbine x2 - 90 sec respawn - 1 clip
    Rocket Launcher - 150 sec respawn - 1 clip
    Spartan Lazer - 180 sec respawn
    Missile Pod - 120 sec respawn - 0 clips
    Needler x2 - 60 sec respawn - 1 clip
    Brute Shot x2 - 90 sec respawn - 1 clip
    Plasma Rifle x2 - 30 sec respawn
    Plasma Pistol x2 - 45 sec respawn
    Magnum x2 - 30 sec respawn - 1 clip
    Frags - 10 sec respawn
    Plasma'nades - 10 sec respawn
    Overshield - 150 sec respawn
    Bubble Shield - 120 sec respawn
    Power Drain - 120 sec respawn

    The Attackers base
    This base should immediately spark fond memories of good ol' Blood Gulch from Halo CE. Rather than having two external ramps to gain access to the top of the base, this version has 4. This layout offered the opportunity to add reccessed spaces inside the base that didn't exist on Blood Gultch. Yes the enitre floor of the base is grass, and yes there is some flicker. Unfortunately the flicker isn't fixable since the grass would glitch invisible if positioned correctly. There is also a teleporter on top of the base that takes you about 1/3 of the way accross the map toward Red Tower.

    Red Tower
    Also known as Splazer spawn, this position covers top mid at rocket spawn, attackers sniper spawn, the front of the attackers base, defenders base sniper spawn, the front of the defenders base, and Blue Tower. Line of sight obstructions keep this spot from being too overpowering as both teleporters can't be seen from this position as well as OS spawn at bottom mid.

    Blue Tower
    Also known as Missle Pod spawn, this position covers Defenders snipe spawn, top mid Rocket spawn, bottom mid OS spawn, both bases fronts, and Attackers teleporter.

    Attackers Brute Shot spawn
    The purpose of this position, just left of the base, is to cover the front of the base, the front of the middle structure, and Blue Tower. The Brute Shot spawns underneath with a BR spawn on top.

    Attackers Carbine spawn
    This position has the same cover areas as BS spawn except Carbine spawn covers Red Tower.

    Defenders Base
    This base is a bit of a hybrid between Valhalla's horseshoe design, Relic's aesthetics, and sniper spawn from Last Resort. This design is sure to keep would be defenders on their toes as this base is pretty pourous. There is a gravlift that takes you from bottom floor to top floor power drain spawn, while still allowing players to jump back down the lift if they need to. The aesthetic design of the lift allows the defending team to see into the lift at alll times.

    Defenders BS Spawn
    This mirrors the Attackers Carbine spawn with same principles and cover areas.

    Defenders Carbine Spawn
    This position mirrors the Attackers Brute Shot spawn.

    Rocket Spawn/OS Spawn

    Both areas are seperate from each other enough that it is very difficult for anyone to get both itms simultaneously. Both these areas are very open to all positions.

    Action shots

    Thanks to all who helped in testing (list to be added later) and thanks to all who DL. All criticisms are welcome.
    #1 Hadokenchild, Jul 1, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2009
  2. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    WOW. Dude, I'd have to say that this is feature worthy. I mean, it looks just as good as, if not better than Utah mambo. If it plays the way it looks than I think we have a winner. Definitely a download, and again, WOW.
  3. Hadokenchild

    Hadokenchild Ancient
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    Thanks man. I find it funny, and eerie, that I have never played UM but after I got a few comments about the comparison I checked out the pics. I had that omfg moment when I saw the perimeter sniper positions. A bit too similar for my liking lol. I also found they had somewhat of that same theme or idea but I think you would agree that they both execute it very differently.
  4. Hadokenchild

    Hadokenchild Ancient
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    I had to go old school and build frames around the object first, then save/quit the pushing object at small intervals each time till it was where I needed it. SB seems to have a nasty tendency to swallow object if they are pushed to far at one time. To push into the dunes I kind of had to build a crane from the flat part of SB up over the dune so I could place the object flat. Then I framed it and pushed it down.
  5. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    Some very original ideas and excellent execution! Will give this a download and see how it plays, the weapon list seems a little excessive but the map itself is stunning.

    Edit : I've also had problems with objects falling through sandbox, I'll try your technique of moving them bit by bit.
    #5 oh knarly, Jul 1, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2009
  6. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    what can i say that hasn't already been said? it's gorgeous, fun, and detailed in the extreme. definitely a grade A map. i would like to see how you did spawns on this map, because everything else is a 5/5. if you do any more testing sessions please send me a pm!

    just as a note, you should give an overhead shot with all vehicle and weapon placement noted. --a minor tip, but i couldn't tell where the ghost spawned from the screenshots
  7. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Pretty nice looking map ive got to say. You have some uniue designs for the bases and layout and your geo-merging is great. I dont know how good the map would play out on oddball, but it looks great for assault. For sure this is feature worthy, great job.
  8. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
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    The map is great. Great aesthetic, bases are creative, fun to play. My only complaint is that I don't like snipers with 4 shots, seems like it's somewhat pointless. Also, when pklaying ffa with a small group, I usually spawned in the same exact spot. Good map though, 9/10
  9. Hadokenchild

    Hadokenchild Ancient
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    I went back and forth on the ammo reserves for the sniper and had to change it back to 0 clips. During testing we had a few guys who were beast with the no scopes and even they admitted it was just too dominating. The map is specified for 8 - 16 people, and the size of the map tends to not favor small groups.
  10. DrGreenEyes

    DrGreenEyes Ancient
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    This map is superb. It has the feel of maps like relic, and blood gulch. It's quite amazing. This map makes Utah Mambo look like child's play. This is now one of my all time favorites. Keep up the good work. Well done. 10 out of 5
  11. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    This map is a masterpiece, my friend. I've seen this map and downloaded before it got posted here (I did some surfing and found it on monitor built) and I was amazed.
    I love the blue base, the lifts is beautiful, the structure from relic is astonishing, the size of the thing is awesome, and the layout just reminds me of a Halo 2 map. Love the towers and the bases, the size of blue base is great, and the grass and feel of the red base is very cool too. One thing I didn't like was you couldn't get onto the BR and carbine towers for the blue team well, but that shouldn't discourage that. The layout is bungie-worthy, the execution is stunning, and the gameplay is exhilarating, really feels like its right out of halo 2 with a halo 3 twist and some awesome architecture. The aesthetics are beautiful, top-notch geomerging and interlocking. This map has some of the most unique and awesome designs in any map I've seen. And it plays like a charm. You've got yourself a whole map filled with WIN, and I wouldn't be surprised if this got featured. Though I haven't played a full game, just a forge through and a quick 2 minute team slayer game, I will hopefully get back to you on the gameplay thoroughly. I'll give it a great score of 5/5; truthfully I really think this is gold. Congrats on this post. Keep forging, you'll do well here.

  12. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    Beautiful, well done. At first i thought it was a mix of Relic and BloodGulch, like said before. But then i looked at your side structures and the middle base, and this is Fantastically Diverse from many other Sandbox middle level maps. I think this definitely has a Forerunner feel to it. Also, it's great that you made this map, since it inspires to forge on the middle level instead of the Sky bubble which seems to be the favorite area right now.

    The Aesthetics are above fantastic, the gameplay has more to it than the demanding community asks for, and you made Sandbox work with a BigTeamBattle game, which is a great acclomplishment. Where were you when Foundry was around? You probably made beast maps that i missed :(
  13. Hadokenchild

    Hadokenchild Ancient
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    Thanks for the praise, it took me forever to make (since Halo Wars release and a RROD as well) but I think the time spent has been worth it. As far as the towers go, you have to kinda crouch jump up there, but they're not quite THAT high. Once you practice a bit with jumping it is ridiculously easy to pull off.
  14. TurretFrog

    TurretFrog Ancient
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    I think that ,like Utah Mambo, this map could be put into matchmaking, no, should. Honestly, I say you should submit this to Atlas. (If that's what its called) When I saw the first picture I started thinking of Relic, I believe. I'd love to play on this map, and through matchmaking would be the only way I'd get a full game. It would be nice if you put up a couple more overview pics but it wont matter to me. I'll be doing a forge through to get a closer look at this master piece.
  15. Hadokenchild

    Hadokenchild Ancient
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    Thanks man. I've done a few Foundry maps but to me they were more aesthetic in some aspects than normal. But most people loved them and featured them (on other sites) so I guess they worked out. Here's a couple of my old maps, enjoy.


    The Library
  16. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Yeah. Your base is almost like elongation. I like it. I don't know if you know but, UM was put into matchmaking. It was also a feature here. If people are comparing it to that, than you are in good standings. This is definitely within the top 3 best maps I have ever seen made on Sandbox, and I'm here all the time, every day. It takes quite a bit for me to step back and look at a map for more than even 10 seconds, let alone download it. I've called a lot of features already. I'm calling this one.
  17. MetaLemur

    MetaLemur Ancient
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    this is awesome you have some really good structures in there the splazer and missle spawn towers are my favorite. but the middle and the blue team spawn are great to i love the fact that you geomerged things too worth a download. please limit up the weapon list some and take out maybe 1 or 2 mongooses and it will be almost perfect.

    4.5/5 only becuase of the mongooses and weapon list but worth a downlaod
  18. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Hey glad to see it's finally posted. This map's gameplay is great everyone, I definetely recommend playing it at least once. Like I said when I first saw it, it looks alot like H2's Relic and it's aesthetics are still unique. Good luck with the ATLAS submition by the way.
  19. Hadokenchild

    Hadokenchild Ancient
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    So you'd prefer something a bit more MLG like?

    I need 3 gameplay vids to go with my submission so if anyone wants to help out I'd appreciate it.
  20. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Just hit me up tonight, I'll probably will be able to.

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