This design started out a a quick sketch during a very long car ride. I then transferred it to graphpaper to refine it, and then into Illustrator to clean it up and present it to you. I'm showing you this because I want to know how I can improve the design before I start on heavy forging. These next bits are important in order to understand the design. The dark lines are object lines. The light lines are a grid. Each square is equal to one Forge unit, or a 1x1 block. The dashed lines represent areas that can't be seen. The arrows represent slopes. They point to the top end. The areas with purple lines represent grav-lift areas. Now, the design. Feel free to ask any questions you like. Any criticism is extremely welcome. Thank you. Spoiler Below is an isometric drawing of the level, to give you a better idea of what's going on. I cut some parts out to make it as little confusing as possible. These two images together will give you the best impression. Spoiler
If each square is one forge-unit, that seems pretty small. Did you mean the same size as a 1x1 block? Anyway, the design isn't much but it seems that with what you have, you could a long way with this. Any ideas on what type of map this will be?
Sorry for the confusion. 1 square forge unit is equal to a 1x1 block, hence the name. I'd like the map to serve primarily as an asymmetric objective map. With defenders at the top and attackers at the bottom.
It looks quite interesting, but I'm having trouble figuring out the elevations of the central structure. Either way, I think this looks quite promising. I'll keep an eye out for this map.
A one by one block is one forge unit. 30 units long is kind of small, I would scale up to 35/40 units unless if you are going to play the map without sprint.
where do the mqn cannons take you and where do teams spawn, I am curious as to how this map will work because it is so simple (almost compared it to cliffhanger but didn't want to insult you ) it looks like it could produce tight, open battles with a semblance of larger scale battles, depending on how yo work the middle building (which is uber confusing me for some reason)
Thank you all for showing your interest. I made a quick isometric drawing of the design and put it in the OP. That should give you a better picture of the design and clear up some confusion. All of the man cannons will shoot straight up. You'll hit an angle at the top that will land you on the above floor. The cannons themselves are all on the bottom level. I also updated the design. I decided that having only 3 routes from the bottom of the map would be too difficult for the attacking team. To change this, I added another man cannon at the end of a hallway that goes underneath the defending base. I quite like it. @ menot. After looking at the design again, I think you're right. 30 is a little short. I think I'll increase it to 40. Thanks.