DOWNLOAD---Foxhole--- Foxhole is a condensed version of Ghost Town making the old map hardly recognizable, yet is large enough for 4v4 combat. I have used extensive geomerging to create new walls and even a complex set of tunnel systems. Initially, I sealed off the "jungle room" and the "center building" and connected them with an enclosed wooden bridge and a nexus point that links a set of teleporters to one another. It is playable on all game variants including infection. (Territories is set up for Flag Rally.) # Weapon, Equipment placed / Clip Size / Respawn Time Battle Rifle x4 / 2 / 30 secs Spikers x4 / 2 / 30 secs Shotgun x2 / 0 / 90 secs Plasma Grenade x4 / na / 30 secs Spike Grenades x4 / na / 30 secs Sentinel Beam x1 / na / 120 secs Flamethrower x1 / na / 120 secs Bubble Shield x1 / na / 60 secs Overview Pics Tunnel pics wooden bridge Geomerged Walls and Barriers Teleport locations
This map needs alot of work. Your interlocking is sloppy, the layout is boring and game play wise it would be a gernade fest (not in a good way). I suggest a V2, this take you time and think it out first. Happy Forging. 1/5
OK. Have you ever tried forging on Ghost Town. It's definitely not the easiest thing to do in the world. There's a reason you don't see many Ghost Town maps out there. I think it looks pretty good. I will say it's sloppy in some places but the overall appeal of it looks good. I like how you used the junglish building because that's my favorite place on Ghost Town. I'll definitely DL this and give it a whirl.
A few times, it's hard I know, but it could still run smoother. It would help alot to forget geomerging and focus more on interlocking and getting everthing nice and smooth
wow i havent seen any forgedmaps to this caliber on ghost town. I like what you did with the place. yes the interlocking is a bit sloppy but when your playing a game you srop and look at the scenery. sweet map.
The interlocking and geomerging in this map are masterful. My pictures do it absolutely no justice, I will agree to that. If you don't believe me, then download it and look it over. I guarantee you'll change your biased opinions. The tunnel network itself is both geomerged and interlocked. It is supposed to look rugged like an old mineshaft. I also should mention that some of these pics are exterior photos and are things you will never see while playing the map. On the interior it is clean and runs with fluid gameplay.
Honestly did you even play the map and besides I don't know who many freaking times I've pointed this out but INTERLOCKS AND GEOMERGES DO NOT MAKE A MAP GOOD so please stop judging a map on its look. Now after playing I didn't have any major problems except for the teleporters. People seemed inclined to camp there but other than that this is a pretty good map. The pictures really don't show it but this map plays well. I would recommend trying this one out. Edit: No it really doesn't make a map. Play some of the older maps or even some of the map from the Lazyman Map Contest. It is important but doesn't make a map.
Thanks, the teleporter could be a problem, but no more than the teleporter on Cold Storage. Originally I wanted to build two paths to the bases but I did not have the pieces to pull it off. Instead I created a third room as a nexus point between the two teleports. I think that helps divert camping.
We can argue this all day, but i'm telling you a nicly interlock map is way more appealing. There's a reson they called it the Lazyman map contest. because no one put the time or effort into making it a more efficiant, free-flowing map.
Yes we could play who's the bigger nerd all day troll, or you could go troll someone else's hardwork.
end the pointless arguement! I can c the points both r tryin 2 make but this is goin nowher fast. personally i like the map and i want to make itt clear that ITS NOT FOUNDRY interlocking will never b perfect on maps like this, especially this 1. if you look closer at the path you'd notice that its very smooth it jus doesnt look like that when you only look for flaws.