Map Title: Foxhole Warfare Nade!!!! Download Map Rules of Engagement Description: Foxhole warfare is an attrition based flag arena where there is no motion tracker, no shields and home based *** scoring. Each side has two foxholes for its side and a small underground base with a tower that you can access from the back of the bases. There are only BR's, Magnums, SMG's, AR's and plasma rifles on the map with a brute shot as a central power weapon that spawns every three minutes. The flag is on top of each teams tower. If the game is set to one flag the defending team gets some extra cover and a turret while the attackers get a senteniel beam. there are also two teleporters that you can kill your selfwith if you rin off the side of the map. View of above gorund play area Bunker Blue team tower Base Inside Entrence to red Base Front veiw of base Please comment so that i can make this map better andhave fun.
Wow looks really good, i love underground maps, and this one is one for the collection! A V2 with walls around it so you couldn't get out would be nice though. But until then i will Dl.
Can you walk all underground through the map or just some parts? Also what happens when you fall off the map, can you get back up or are you stuck down there?
Truly Amazing in my standards. I would give this 5/5! I also love the fact that it is using trench warfare as in both World Wars. I will download as fast as possible. This is truly amazing.
Please don't be lazy. He's says right in his post that theres a teleporter to kill you if you fall off. I like the map I dea, I t looks pretty well planned out but I'll have to play to see. I will definently dl when I get a chance though.
This looks very good! I like any map with a complicated underground system, though this one is not that easy to understand! I really, really do not like the fact that you could fall of the map and NOT get back up, did you not think about that? This map, otherwise is neatly forged. But, seriously, make a v2 with a two wall boundary so no one can grenade jump or anything! -Irish
this looks like an awesome map! the tunnels are superb, but i have to agree with the wall idea. it seems very unfair to have to kill yourself if you fall, especially if you get launched by someone else's grenade
I downloaded and looked at the map. I was satisfied except one thing. How do you get the other team's flag?!
I downloaded the map and had a look around. I like the general idea and layout of your map but there are a few things I think you should fix. 1. Take some time to build a wall around the map. This shouldn't take very long and I'm sure you will get more downloads. 2. I would also try to make the ground more smooth. The foxhole idea was really good but when walking across the open area it was a bit bumpy. 3. I, personally, would make it easier to get the flag. It took a while for me to find the open box that leads to the flag and then it took a few tries to reach the flag. If I was under attack and I wanted to make a quick flag grab the last thing I want to do is get killed while trying to find out how to even get the flag. 4. I like the underground area in the bases but I think it would be cool if you made at least two underground tunnels frome one base to the other. This would give the flag carrier the option to take the flag through the middle which would be dangerous, but fast (presuming that you made it easier to get to the flag). Or you could travel underground which would be slower but possibly safer. You could even make a tunnel from one foxhole to another. 5. I wasn't a big fan of the scattered weapons. I don't know if you were trying to go for that "battlefield" look but I think it would be better if you made the weapons at each of the bases and foxholes. Then you could put a power weapon in the middle, providing more strategic gameplay. I hope that you can listen to my advice and make a v2. This map has very good potential and I think it can be really good.
Foxhole Wars Nice idea. I have been needing Forge ideas and jobs so if you need any help on making the V.2 my Gamertag is Reece-J99 but will be changing when i get some Microsoft points. Brill idea Great interlocking. 5/5