I am fairly upset. What bullsh*t. That's f*cked up how they single out Halo 3. And Microsoft. They try to do something awesome and amazing by connecting people all over the world with instant communication and Fox comes down on them because a few people said a few naughty things on an M-Rated game. Granted no one should ever say things like that, but honestly it's not like the person really "wished Hitler suceeded", they probaly were just trying to get a laugh and it worked, sadly. Don't move this becaue it's not limited to Halo3, we can discuss Fox's BS in general if we feel like it.
wow! sad. Single out halo. Wait, this may be a ploy from bungie to get people to get the game to test how bad it is. BRILLIANT! lol, jk, but that is pretty ****ed up.
Yeah I've heard a lot of stuff on halo 3, and live in general. Like I hear just as bad things on other games. I mean seriousy why get all worked up over this. on the Wii you can make a hitler character, so why not attack the Wii? seriously like no one would've cared at all if they hadn't blown it out of proportion.
In that video they're talking about parents children. Halo 3 is an M rated game for 17+ age. It's the parents fault for letting there kids even get the game, and that is what fox should be rousing awareness about, not how much trash talk is included in the game.
I think its bullshit how the news twists facts to their favor. Nothing is more useful to prove a point that to take sound bites (T.V. Production Term) and put them in front, or behind another to change its meaning from when it was said, to what it sounds like the to viewer. But even a greater weapon, is who you interview. Look, a clean cut looking adult and children. Obviously, those parents would have no idea about how to work an xbox (my dad does, and he is an idiot when it comes to video games, but at least he tries). These parents also are ones to go "Oh my gosh, I had no idea" in the fakest manner ever, cause look at them. Sorry for being stereotypical. By having adults who look like they police their children in morales and school, everyday NORMAL parents would think "Oh my god, even they didn't know, I need to have a talk with my son right away." And look at the kids they interviews. Clean cut good grade kids, sorry again if I offend. But the news looks for stuff like this, so if anyone is being stereotypical, it is them. These kids were shy, and when he asked about the "F-Bomb" they cautiously raised their hands. Now, if it were someone like me, I would say, "Uh, well, duh? As if I haven't heard it before, like at school, or from my dad's mouth..." Again, they targeted people that they could easily twist their image through editing into what they wanted to create. And the whole "stranger danger" is bullshit taught to elementary school children. It used to be "if some random guy comes up to you and offers you a ride home, you walk away." You are in person, you have reason. However, over the internet or just by voice communication, you are at no harm of getting raped, killed, etc. Oh wait, I am sorry, I forgot, all those reports about pedophiles because of xbox live... Well that is bullshit too. There is a difference between being ignorant, and just plain old idiot. Any of you, would you give out your Credit Card number? Would you meet some guy at a fountain at your local park after a game of Team Slayer? No. And if yes, well get your ass off the internet, and learn some common sense. Also, anyone knowledgeable about HALO or any video game would realize how Fox gets their facts wrong. "haha, I got you." "help!" "It's called trash talk, the type of talk a gamer uses to eg on his enemies while trying to save the planet from alien invasion." Okay, am I missing something? It really seems like yelling "Help" will mortally wound my oppenents self esteem... Let's continue. "I hate n*ggers, n*ggers I hate sp*cs, i hate Jews k*kes." *Audible laughter* Classic example of Fox taking one thing and making it into another. They could have easily told some kid to say something racist, as a joke. There is a difference between using racial slurs, or just saying ****. This, is just saying ****. This one is good... "Online games like Xbox" -_- Do you know how stupid that sounds? Okay, you get my point. News is full of ****, and I wish people would stop listening to them as much as they do, living by it like a bible. lol, I am done ranting =D
Lame... Well at least one good thing might come out of this, less 10 year olds on Halo 3 and Xbox Live. Lolz... That may be the only good news to this.
This is Fox. This is not new. This is not news. This is a fail-filled attempt to get views with shock value and big names. They blow things out of proportion with lies and misinformation, skewed views from biased audiences, and picking out the worst of the available content. I'm not surprised, I'm not angry. I am, however, fully prepared to ignore their spiels along with the profane comments dripping through the internet tubes.
/\wow 5wenny that where long/\ well theres a mute button avoid players and file complaints and crap.y blame halo i mean theres worse trash talking/racism in other games!
lol sorry.. its just that I am in my schools T.V. Prod class, where we have our own news show, and it bugs the piss outa me cause I see how things work behind the scenes.
I've lost all respect for Fox. This and their thing on Mass Effect is really bad. The segment on Mass Effect was almost worse than this. Fox News, gtfo. Super Serial (turely).
Fox always has bad stories like this that either don't make much sense from the perspective they tell it or (in the case) does not look at both sides of the stories. I remember a story like this About "the danger of flea markets". The last part explained how some people where selling toy guns that look like real guns. The thing that upset my was the fact that you can get those kind of guns anywhere not just a flea market. It's amusing that they didn't mention mute at all, aswell.
These kids go to my school. In fact, I know at least two of their names. Haha, I'm not kidding. They filmed this in Chicago. I didn't think it would get so popular.
You've got to be kidding me. You get that stuff everywhere on xbox live, whether your playing halo 3, or viva pinnate. They singled out halo 3 because everyone has it, so it'd create a bigger story. There is such thing as a mute button fox. Use it.
Halo 3 is a bad game. Halo 3 will turn you into a racist child molesting fascist. Everyone should play GTA 4 where they can learn the basic morals of society and become a true citizen. I love the bit at the end. 6 bad things have happened in a country of over 300,000,000 people, and they are suprised that it didn't hurt sales? Clever media.