
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by flare fang, Sep 24, 2008.


what did you think of these map

  1. ........AMAZING

  2. you did a realy good job

  3. I would like to see youer older form of this map

  4. standerd

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  1. flare fang

    flare fang Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created by Flare Fang
    Side note: thanks for taking the time to read my post,oya this is my first posting so i would like to here so input from you guys at home.

    Supported Gametypes:
    The type of games that this map supports are any form of slayer,but was made primaraly for MLG.

    Map Description
    The design of this map is just four towers put together in the shape of a square with three levels up and or down. the hole layout of this map is for majer close up battles with a kick of some fun, and can only hold up to eight players.also yes this map only has MLG base weapens,maler,battle rifel,plasma pistel,sniper rifel,covenit carbin, and frag/plasma granades,if you ask these are the weapens on the map.For those of you that have played with me before. you must have played on my older version of this map,which was called The Four Towers, well you will notice the majer big diffrencie.Many things on the map changed like,i took all the weapen that made this map none MLG like.I also added two new briges which are called briges A and B,which makes it very oveas for thares A and B signs in the middle of them. I also closed up the to main briges which now hold the sniper rifel. On the top floor i closed it off so that theres no way out.Another big chang in the map was thares no longer two way nodes on the map,so i had to slice and dice some parts of the map in order for you to be able to get to the highst part of the of the last things that changed was that you start in the map this time.And for a side note dont try to get out of the level, because thares no way back into the map besides killing youerself.


    This is the red base,blue base looks the same just with active camo.


    This is brige B like I had said brige A is the same just it has a A sign.


    Now this is the brige that is on the very top floor.


    Now if you looked at the first pic this is inside the middle of the base.


    //And its time for some action pics//

    This is the first kill i made agenst team tank,and yes thats the name of the person[1]


    This is after me shoting him[2]


    looks likes like team tanks wanted some pay back,go figer.


    Now his trying to stick me!


    But he failed


    Ya I think my sniper is better then youers

    And now I would like to thank Dbug for telling me about this website,and also a big thanks to Rage Gummy, and DomiBoy for telling me how to post maps.o ya forgot thanks to senor pork,and team tank for testing the map out with me.

    so can you guys at home downlode this awsome map, so just go to this link and you can do the rest thare.Also dont you think this is an awsome first post.
    #1 flare fang, Sep 24, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2008
  2. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    WOW this looks really good advanced forging skillz everywhere... a unsc trainee does it again its people like u that make me respect u guys so much not that a demon is much better lol but still i hope u will stay w/ the site i want to see more maps from u def. DL... nice layout... nice pics... nice post... nice EVERYTHING... wow ur pretty good... i hope i see more map post from u in the future... tho last time i checked im pretty sure sheild doors arnt mlg lol but i could be wrong nice map neways... 5/5
  3. flare fang

    flare fang Ancient
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    Thank you very much for the post.And to tell you the truth i had no idea that shield doors were not alowed.the real reason those are in thare is because it was a carry on from my priveas map.So if i get other things that need to be changed that well be first on the list to change.And thank you very much again.
  4. biscuit127

    biscuit127 Ancient
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    This looks like a really good closed-quarters type map... the Sniper might dominate if he's good at no-scoping though. Its a good first post for a map... but you need to Work On Your Spelling if you want to make it more professional. The map looks good though, 4/5
  5. flare fang

    flare fang Ancient
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    Thats what the sheild doors are for and theres also two.......well its the gun that is halve a shot gun with that together it helps big time. Not only that the sniper spawns 120 and has no extra amo so for short ive all ready come up with an answer for that problem.

    o forgot to say that the sniper dos not start off at the begining of the game.So it takes 120 sec for you to even get it.
    #5 flare fang, Sep 24, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 25, 2008
  6. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    this map is very well made. its the first mlg map ive seen thats in-closed on foundry. i think you should get rid of the shield doors because thats just screaming camp camp camp. especially when you have a mauler in the map. now i understand they were placed in the map to prevent no scoping with the sniper but since theres only one clip in it theyd have to be very good at no-scopin to become over powering, and that would only be 4 kills to so yeah. very nice job on the map and the post 5/5.

    P.S. dont double,triple, quadrupile,or whtever post on your own threads simply click on the persons name and send them a public or private message.
  7. flare fang

    flare fang Ancient
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    Hello anyone that would be reading you people cant truly juge this map unteal you have ubtaind this and play it for youerself spending many hours with the cunstroction, and have around 200 peolpe look at this but only 3 people respond and only 3 downlodes.?????? what, now if you do the math that would only seem realy lame and not right. i realy dont no whats going on here but you peolpe have to realylize that i put alot of work into this map, and for somthing like this to happen seems like a blow to the face.every one just take a chance and roll the dice, you mit see that these this is a realy good map, and another thing these is the first of its kind and thats somthing.
  8. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    Your map isn't up to MLG standards. MLG do not use shield doors or assault rifles. The rest of it is fine however. I suggest deleting the shield doors and updating this thread.
  9. boggybill

    boggybill Ancient
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    I thinhk that this should go into competitive becuase it has sheild doors and very few lines of sight make it unsuitable for MLG but great forging skills.
    MLG: 5/10
    Competitive: 9/10
    Keep it going
  10. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map Moved as it is not up to MLG standards. If the creator wishes it to be moved back he should fix the shield doors then PM me.
  11. flare fang

    flare fang Ancient
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    i have almost completed the next form of these map which well be making it a 100% MLG map but i just need to twek some little miner things.but the name is FourTowersMLG V
  12. EGP

    EGP Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map has a pretty unique layout and I believe from the pictures has incredible gameplay but the size could effect the gameplay

    Your interlocking looks very good though good job
  13. flare fang

    flare fang Ancient
    Senior Member

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    when i update these page it well also show the majer changes from my first version to the newest one,so look forword to it.

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