The Fourth of July (TFOJ) is the name given to America's annual fireworks night event that we hold. It is an extremely unorganized and popular event where people who like big lights and chaos meet up and go crazy. On the 4th of July the people go to buy firecrackers and meet up at their destination of fun at which point people will be taken for the ride of their lives and experience a night of loud bangs, flashing lights, burnt hands and many other reports of injuries featured here in the USA Well TFOJ was very funnn. I got ready at my moms. Hung out at my dads until 6. Went to go pick up some girls. Bought alot of fireworks. Went back home. Ate and then started the funn. We first started of with the little know jumping jacks, tanks, fireflies. Then we started pullin out the big guns! Saturn missles, fire rockets, ARTILLERY SHELLS!! The lights where spectacular! The sounds were amazing! I burnt my hand with sparklers! I didnt take too many pics because i was the one lighting everything but I have a video (you cant really see anything until later in the vid when the lights come up) TFOJ Video Recap Anyways I had a great time and am looking forward to it next year! And were still not done yet...its time to throw firecrackers at peoples houses! Lol. Ill post another vid if i can. Well happy TFOJ lol!