Does foundry have EVERY forge item that is able to be used that were there before the legendary maps? I don't think so but I'm making sure.
no, there are nice little detail pieces that we don't have for Foundry that are in other maps. Kinda sad really, cause they would add a nice touch to the map and make it feel a little more at home...
Foundry also doesnt have missle pods or those radio tower things that standoff and valhalla have either.
I wish foundry had non moveable radio towers. Those things could be used for a lot of creations. Here's hoping Sandbox has something of that nature in it.
I agree. it is impossible to make a pole type structure that is immovable. You could make a stack of barrels immovable, but tat doesn't work well.
Look at High Ground's Scenery items list. Then you'll be annoyed that we don't have all that on Foundry. You can place a telephone on High Ground. No-one would notice it, it's no bigger than a grenade, but it's there nonetheless.