Jullie submitted a new map: Foundry - Remake of Foundry from Halo 3. Sit back and enjoy the good ol' memories. Read more about this map...
This looks to be accurate, I'm gonna look at this tonight! Might have to get a game on this sometime.
The main reason I didn't use any of the cargo crates is that the dimensions of them are much greater than those of the crates on original Foundry. The map would be way out of scale if I actually used the cargo crates.
Nevermind, my mistake. I had an issue finding it because the author name isn't Jullie, the download link here doesn't work, the map has no thumbnail, and it's called Foundry (Halo 3) instead of just Foundry. You should add a thumbnail to that and the template version when you get a chance, so it looks better in the bookmark list. Nice work, though. I like it. What's up with the skybox, though? It looks horribly pixelated/low-res for some reason. EDIT: I see why the Skybox looks horrible... because it's actually a reflection. Interesting idea. It's just a shame Halo 5's reflections are so low res.