So this is what I think Foundry should have been. I think that this map should be a Slayer/Team Slayer Matchmaking map. Download Here I know, again, that this is not as clean as it could be. Yet, it makes for a good slayer match. There are many similarities between the original and V2, yet I think that the game play would be enhanced by this version with various weapons/more equipment/and VEHICLES. (Ghosts and Mongeese for those that can't wait) The weapon selection has been broadened with the following weapons: Sniper Rifle x1 Needler x1 Beam Rifle x1 Flamethrower x1 Fuel Rod Cannon x2 Human Turrets x2 Maulers x2 Shotgun x2 Sword x1 Hammer x1 Brute Shot x2 Rockets x1 Spartan Laser x1 Battle Rifles Assault Rifles The equipment stock has alos been greatly increased: Regenerator x1 Trip-mine x1 Bubble Shield x2 Power Drain x1 Grav-lift x1 Radar Jammer x1 Deployable Covers x2 Frag/Spike/Plasma Grenades Fire Grenades x2 Overshield x1 Active Camo x1 Also there are 2 Ghosts and 6 Mongeese for quick escapes. The Overshield and Camo re-spawn rather quickly, so be careful of that. The Laser and Rockets are harder to get and won't be used as often. And here are the PICTURES!! Please Comment, Rate, and Download!!!
Are you serious with this map? Rockets & Flamethrower (Right next to a tripmine) & Spartan Lazer & Sword & Grav. Hammer & TWO shotguns & -TWO- fuel rod cannons, and there's turrets. Foundry is just not meant to house that many power weapons - which are meant for REALLY large scaled maps, with a LOT more vehicles, and ability to house a LOT more players. Look at Sandtrap! Even Sandtrap doesn't have that many powerweapons! seriously, is there any powerweapon this map DOESN'T have? But allright, I haven't played it, I'll give you that. It's just not very tempting to download it knowing that it'll be nothing but... Power weaponfest. On the bright side, I really like the map's layout and structures. Change the weapons in your V2 to balance it all out a bit more. If I'm the only-one complaining about that, then I'll just retreat in a dark cave or something.
Weapon placment looks kinda :[] I would look up some tuts or toss me an inv. (ExtreemKablooie) Very nice basic layout, looks reminicent of default foundry. Mabey add some more ramps so that you don't have to jump as much.