Foundry Tunnels

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by HalfBrian, Dec 9, 2008.

  1. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    This is a great map. Wonderful interlocking and nice weapon placement and aesthetics. The gameplay looks great. The only thing I suggest is to turn the bridges over so they are bottom up. It just looks cleaner that way. Nice map. 9/10
  2. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    I'm very late on this, sad face.
    Okay well, I am very happy that you have finally posted this after 3-4 tests for this one map. The game play is outstanding and enjoyable for quite some time. I definitely enjoyed be part of 2 of your tests and help you improved upon the map.
    oh and I'm in one of the screenies (the blue ODST helmeted guy with bomb punching the red guy).
    Yep, Awesome!
  3. Gradex

    Gradex Ancient
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    ****ING AMAZING!

    The testers almost died testing this, and i think because of that that this map will hupypwn ALLLLLLL MAPPPSSSS TO COMMMEEEEEE (Thats Right Insane.)

    Everyone that views this Thread and dosent download this will be pwnt so bad, that if i had a dollar for every time you got pwnt so bad, i would have 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 X Infinity dollars, so DOWNLOAD THIS NAOW!

    The whole Tunnels thing is ****ing genius, it is normaly NEVER used, and it was a great idea to do so. The Conquest seems to be a monster, and i can see this map getting featured within ONE WEEK!

    i r gon b = less than three this map!
  4. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Wow, what the ****? Is this considered spam? Maybe talk more about characteristics of the map.
  5. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    I remember when you showed this map to Tex way back when and I was the one who suggested you take it to the testers guild. Could see how great it could be from the very beginning because you had a very interesting idea that looked like it could be great fun to play. And it has finally become something worthy of being a ****ing great map!

    I've always been a close quarters brawler type of player and this maps suits that well. Never takes you too long to get to the fight yet pleanty of cover to give you time to let your shields recharge and somehow it all still works for distance fighting as well (as Kidbomber and that damn sniper skill of his show)

    Definately givving the final version a DL, in fact I think I still have all the previous versions saved on my hard drive lol.
  6. maddflash

    maddflash Ancient
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    Half-Brian, This has to be one of the best maps that ive played with in ages, everything is clean and nothing is out of place, This has to be featured, its excellent. I loved testing and playing this it was so fun to play on. You got a well deserved 5/5.

    This might also have some fun infection perks to it aswell :)

    I do have one problem though,4 v 4 can seem a little overcrowded, even though you said its built for 4 v 4, I still think 3 v 3 plays way better.
  7. Kidbomber

    Kidbomber Ancient
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    "IF you dont dl this nao, you will be sniped by me, in the head"
    But really after testing with you for 8 tests, its really turned out to be fun as hell. idk how i said it to (think Brian) that iv been playing so much im like pro at this map ;) Every game type i own on (Except Conquest). Enough about me (lol), the map works and flow through the front or backroom. Front is longer but less population. So then the back room is shorter but more people are back there. And sniping Nightfire for uber anger from him is super win (b^_^)b

    Edit: When writing a post and if you played when im there, it isent common sense to include me somewhere there lolll (and maybe whisper ;)
  8. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    Man, this is stunning. I've seen this attempted many times, and with the failure of those, I didn't think it could really be done well. I DL'd, played, and it is phenomenal for all of its gametypes. Good job, HalfBrian.
  9. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    Very nice comments everyone. Foundry Tunnels is a very good example of what testing with the Testers Guild can do. Please do not hesitate to visit the Testers Guild we can improve your map a lot! The TG can make poor maps good. Good maps better. Better maps great. Great maps awesome?

    About me. I hate confined spaces. I like using my BR and sniper. I hate using melee weapons.

    When I joined the first session of many Foundry Tunnels Tests. I said to myself " I'm going to hate this map" After familiarizing myself with the weapon set I began to pick up the pace. I started doing really well. Could I actually like a small map like Foundry Tunnels!?

    I lost count on how many tests of Foundry Tunnels later, but I felt like a veteran of the map.

    What I like most is the line of sight(LOS) of the map. The rocket tunnel has natural cover on the very left or right. Plus the dumpster provides cover as well. There are some interesting BR/sniper battles in the rocket tunnel. Provided you angle yourself correctly.

    The dome room has come a long way. The LOS in the dome room from the elevated fence walls allows teams to push from the dome room to the enemies base. In addition, teams holding the dome room can get the camo to further help there efforts in a push.

    The weapons are balanced. *laughs* I was about to pass out one night and decieded to go into Foundry Tunnels and just wander it. I wound up messing with the weapon set and inviting him. He liked some changes and improved upon the weapons himself.

    HB is/was very devoted to this map. He put in a lot of time, effort, and testing. Delicious!
  10. SilverZephyr

    SilverZephyr Ancient
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    Man, there's been so many fun nights testing this map, I'm very glad to see you finally finished so you can finally come play with us again.
    But man, this map is one of my favorites to play on. The interlocking is great to the point of beautiful. Using the back hallway was a great idea, and like Transactionzero said, the hallway has great natural cover.
    After what seems like a year of making this map, congrats Brian. 10/10
  11. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    Brian knows how much I love this map but... for the rest of you... lets just say that I'm putting this map in my sig. This was one of my favorite maps to test ever. The gameplay is very smooth and the interlocking/geomerging is the best I've ever seen. Conquest on this map is incredible. If this map isn't featured I'm going to be PO'd. The only sad part was that I wasn't in more pictures... if I was in any at all. Oh well, life goes on.
  12. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    Very nice map, original and fun to play on. I had an awesome game playing 4v4 CTF on this map.

    Very good Map worth the download.

  13. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    I downloaded and had a look around. I can't comment on the gameplay yet since I haven't had a chance, but I will give you a few critiques :0)

    First, I like the setup. Linubidix did something very similar recently and I can see the back halls being used more and more. So kudos for going against the norm.

    Aesthetically I don't really have many gripes. If you really put it under a microscope you can see imperfections, but that can be said with any map really. One suggestion would be to flip those bridges so we could see the back side. It's cleaner, smoother, and more professional looking. There is one wall when you leave the office that is crooked, but it looks like it was a pain so it's probly not worth doing it over.

    One other gripe I have is with the Conquest version. The setup is fine, but it appears a bit too long. The Cellars is a good example of about as long as you should get. AZN originally created the gametype so that you would exit one territory and be right in the next one. This is subjective of course and there have been plenty of maps that go against the original purpose of the game, so don't fret about it too much.

    One thing you should fret about though is the weapon set. If you want it to really be a Conquest map then you have to get rid of the Camo. You could easily replace it with a Custom Powerup and include Conquest V3 in your links. This version allows for the powerup to give the player some added strength. Also, you should get rid of the equipment, it's not allowed in traditional Conquest maps unfortunately. And finally, just like the equipment, the Mauler isn't allowed as well.

    Ok! Other than that it looks like good stuff. I'll try and get a game in and maybe update with some gameplay impressions.
  14. HalfBrian

    HalfBrian Ancient
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    Thanks for the comments (again).

    And Creep1ng De4th, thanks, I'll keep that in mind if I decide to do a v2. Can't wait to see what you think of gameplay.
  15. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    You don't always spawn back at the start though. More often than not after your first death you spawn in the default office or the side room HalfBrian has built through one o the doorways. Doesn't take you long to get back into the fighting.
  16. HalfBrian

    HalfBrian Ancient
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  17. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    We sure are! I think it is the perfect choice for a FHTG party. This map is a perfect example for what will happen if you test and re-test with the guild.
  18. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Just for a point of reference:

    And as far as I know, you are supposed to always spawn back near your starting point. If you spawn halfway to the middle or close to the middle you are effectively changing the flow of a Conquest game. It should be quick, loud, dangerous, action packed and a tug of war. I have created a Conquest map myself that didn't adhere to some of these rules and it plays the same up until the middle room. I realized soon after I created it that while it was still good and fun, it wasn't the same. Nowadays I make traditional Conquest maps and just stick to that, they always end up being the most fun and intense.

    But seriously man, just a few deletions of equipment and weapons, and addition of the CPU, and a redo of the spawns and you would have a pretty solid Conquest map that abides by it's tradition. I'm talking like 5 minutes of work, max.
  19. WitDarkstar

    WitDarkstar Ancient
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    Brian it's been a pleasure man. I still remember the first day you invited me in to your party and was like I'm going to make this map. I'm glad to have helped you building it in the earliest of stages and then testing your map throughout its process. You've made it awesome.

    This from start to finish has been in development for months. I can't tell you how much effort was put into it. If you're looking for some fun, just go ahead and download it for some laughs and competition.

    Congrats on the post Brian.
  20. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Thing is though, if the other team pushes hard enough to get into the territory that is in the default offices you will spawn back at the start. It may not be Conquest in the purest form but it plays at least as well if not better.

    Personally I don't like having to run through the same **** every time I die so the less I have to run through the better. That's why I didn't like the on in the tunnel/hallways on Rats Nest and there was another one using the foundry hall way that I hated cause it took you a ****ing bit of a walk to get back into the fighting. Worse if you spawned in the lower room of your base.

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