Map Title: Foundry Inn The best hotel in Halo with an elevator, pool, garage, and a top floor suite. Download Map Description: welcome to the Foundry Inn! We have two basic rooms or the top floor suite available right now. Our elevator is fully functional and in case of fire please use the emergency stairs. We have a parking garage and swimming pool as well. Please enjoy ur stay and please do not destroy the hotel.... NOT! This hotel isnt any hotel anymore. it was in the middle of a huge battle and was turned into a brawl/battle site. Fight your way through the hotel and stand your ground. Enjoy messing around in the halls. playing with the elevator and doing a cannonball straight into the pool from the roof. Great for all gametypes! (doesnt work that well with CTF) Got about 900 downloads on the first day and now over 1100 and counting! i know it doesnt look like much but the outside doesnt matter... it's the inside that counts right.
Yah you really should.. most people will look over your post if your pics aren't embedded. Trust me, I speak from experience. If your not sure how that is done head over HERE for a few pointers. Also.. just a friendly reminder, you cannot embed your pictures directly from Bungie. You must first post them to a photosharing site such as or Hope I was of some assistance and welcome to Forge Hub! **thumbs up!** Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!
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