It sounds awesome, but, sadly I can use it because I keep getting this stupid IE "can't display webpage" message. Any help?
This is awesome! try to get all of the major objects in though, with future updates. I didn't post earlier because the link wouldn't work, it made me disappointed, but now its fine and I love it.
this is probably the best thing to give a forger when he's not on an xbox. one suggestion tho. could u possibly add boxes that are maybe at a 45 degree angle, or merged boxes with map geo? that would b epic. kudos to u
Foundry Designer Glitch i am trying to design a map in the designer and when you delete an object it does not go back into the item list/inventory. wtf is goin on?
I added that in the new version. Check the stickied thread. Use the one in the stickied thread. Also this is on your clan site without my permission, I PMed you about that though.
I'm assuming we have full access to the images we create here to be used in posts? thanks man well done
This is pretty cool for a flash applet. I've got a few suggestions though: -Ability to select multiple object so you can move them as a group -Rotate tool that just rotates with the mouse or keyboard movement and not with a degree value -There's no easy way to get out of text entry of a label when you make one -New symbols for teleporter entrance/exit and generic vehicle spawns -Like someone said already, the ability to rotate things so the are standing up, instead of just on their side Hope you continue the good work!