Foundation (Links Weird, Switch it to "Foundation Set") Foundation File Set, Includes the Following: Foundation (Map) Foundation -1 (Map) Halo 2 (Game) Yes, it's a remake of Foundation from Halo 2. I'm sure you're wondering why I have the Foundation -1 though, so here's the answer; I basically hit the budget limit and object limit at the same time at the end, before spawn points. To be able to add a decent spawning set I went back, deleted a few objects that wouldn't completely kill the map, and made the spawns. Foundation -1 has 32 spawn points to work with, rearrange if you wish. I still recommend downloading both versions though, as the original looks a bit better. The Halo 2 game variant is pretty obvious, it's meant to be more like Halo 2; SMGs, Slayer Time Limit, and 90% Damage because I felt like it. ********** I know there is already "H3 Foundation" on Foundry, but I truthfully like this better, even though it does have its flaws; such as having 3 rooms instead of 4. This came about because of the budget and item limits. Instead of having 4 tiny rooms, I have 3 normal rooms, the 4th is blocked off by wooden bridges, in an attempt to make it looked blocked off, instead of just forgotten. Give the map a try though, my friends liked it, you'll probably like it too. ********** Anyway, for those of you who don't have Halo 2, Foundation almost an arena-style map made up of an outer walkway shaped somewhat rectangular. Two sides have lifts to the walkway, the other two have ramps. There are 4 rooms (3 in this case) where the corners of the rectangle would be on the walkway. The center (lower than walkway) is bunker-like and holds a sword in the middle. Just download and look. ********** Screenshots ^Center with Sword^ ^BR/Ramp Walkway^ ^Turret/Lift Side 1^ ^Regular Room^ ^Elevated Room^ ^Overview^ ********** Foundation File Set, Includes the Following: Foundation (Map) Foundation -1 (Map) Halo 2 (Game)
FINALLY someone does an accurate and aesthetically pleasing remake (besides the obvious lack of one room). The interlocking and design for this remake are exceptional. Everything is even and looks beautiful. I especially like that you made it so the only way to break the map is by utilizing a fusion coil jump instead of being able to grenade jump or just plain jump out/on top of the map. It would have looked a tad better if it was centered on the floor of sandbox, but this is one great remake. Excellent job. Edit: After a quick runthrough, I've got one word for you: symmetry. I know the popular phrase is "the more the merrier" but since you don't have enough objects to accurately make four rooms, it is my opinion that you should only have two to make it symmetrical. I mean, three is great for infection and other FFA gametypes, but in team games, you are going to want the symmetry. But that's just my opinion.
Hey, I have been seeing a lot of remakes lately but this one has to be the best. The interlocks are very well done and the map itself is just so neat. It is a very accurate remake and to be honest, I really have nothing bad to say about the map excapt that it needs a few more weapons to spice it up a bit. I know it uses the right weapons but it would just make it funner if it had more. Amd just to say, I looked at that little spoiler of shaddoblades up there and that backburner map looks incredible,definataley a feature in my opinion by the looks of it.
This map looks great but is easily breakable. All you have to do is stand on a fusion coil beat it down and jump. Other than that 4/5. If you just put two rooms it would probally be 5/5
Foundation -1 has no coils. I guess you're right though, but I like them - so I left them in the normal version.