really good. creative and from the pics it liks like you have a lot of cover but not to much i give this map a 4/5
Well first off you need a better description of your map, such as a weapons list. I think this is a great map, and is better than the map you just posted before this one. Again though it is just a little sloppy. I think if you go and check out the Forging 101 section on the home page, then you'll improve your forging. This looks good overall, but just clear up those rough edges.
Nice map overall, decent amount of cover, it seems, but what's with the cannon man at such a high level of foundry? Also would like a better description of the map. 4/5 for the map, 3/5 for the post.
Your forging isnt very neat, could be tightied up a bit but overall nice for a first post map! The layout is ok but has a good deal amount of cover which is good.